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"Shh, you are scaring him."

Exasperated, I glared at her, wondering how I turned from a mighty warlord yesterday to a male reduced to being shushed while holding a drycking grover as a pet in his arms.

Because you had the best sex of your life and there is always a price to pay, my cock reminded me.

The guard I sent for supplies knocked and entered, holding a box filled with sand, leaves, and plant litter in one hand, and a bowl filled with raw meat in the other, as well as a pitcher of milk tucked under his arm.

"Where would you like me to put these, Warlord?" he asked.

With a sigh, I pointed at the table by Alahna's side and a dresser by the window, indicating for him to put thelitter boxthere.

Aine was done with Alahna's breast and headed my way. Horrified to have my guard witness my indignity, I moved the creature back into Alahna's waiting arms, who scooped him up and showed Aine where Furbo was injured.

The guard left. No doubt full of tales of his fabled Warlord to share with his comrades. I wiped my brow and cursed again, like I didn't have other worries than my reputation.

"I don't know anything about animals," Aine confessed, dabbing the grover's paw, "but it's shallow, so I think this might heal on its own. Just keep it clean, my lady."

I swallowed at Aine addressing Alahna as her lady. Even though I had ordered it just yesterday, hearing it increased my heart rate and caused my chest to swell.My lady. As I stared at Alahna, I instinctively knew that this was exactly what she was, what I wanted her to be.

Iwokeafewtimes during the night to Furbo's crying and got up to feed him. Brogan woke up twice as well. He sat on the bed watching me feed Furbo and return him to his little box nest before I crawled back into bed with him.

"Gods, I can't wait to see you with our baby," he said both times and proceeded to fill my womb with his seed to speed up the process.

His words and actions confused me, he confused me.

But I decided not to think about it too much,one day at a time, I told myself repeatedly.

As the days wore on, though, this resolution became harder to follow because with each passing day, he was beginning to mean more to me, his stronghold, his people. Everything.

As anticipated, the very next morning, the many windows in our chamber were frosted over. When I wiped away some frost from a small area on a window, I saw the first flurries of snow.

"The cold season is here," I said, not entirely unhappy because I figured I would stay with Brogan at least until the snow melted.

He hugged me to him from behind. "Many babies are born in the warm season. I bet ours will as well."

I wished I possessed the courage to ask about his intentions then, but my throat tightened with his words and my eyes brimmed with unshed tears from the happiness of being in his arms. For him mentioning wanting to have a baby with me, that had to be a good sign, right?

Just then Furbo meowed.

"That little guy is insatiable," Brogan muttered, but let me out of his arms to feed the little grover.

"I bet he misses his mommy," I said as I cut small pieces of meat to feed him.

"You will make a great mommy to our young, and this guy is lucky to have you," Brogan muttered, putting on a shirt.

I cleaned Furbo's litter box, to which he had taken like a champ, before Brogan and I walked down to the great hall for breakfast, keeping Furbo in my arms.

After breakfast, I took Furbo to the stables to get him better acquainted with Samju and the other horses. He mostly slept while I helped rotate the other horses between the large inside arena and the outside arena to give each the opportunity for some cold, fresh air.

The next day, Furbo became a bit friskier and moved about Samju's stall as if he owned the place even with his leg still healing.

Another day went by and, to my utter delight, one of the stableboys handed me a small red leather collar for Furbo with an engraved golden disk attached to it.Property of Lady Alahna of Grymburg, it said and brought tears to my eyes.

"So nobody will mistake Furbo for a roaming grover," the boy explained with a deepening red-brown color to his face.

"Thank you," I said, impulsively hugging him. "Thank you so much. Did you make this?"

"Yes, my lady." He nodded with pride. "I'm the leathermaker's apprentice."
