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Suddenly, him killing the chickens took on a much greater significance.

"You stay in here," I instructed him before closing and locking the door to our bedchamber. Only Brogan and I had a key to it, not even the guards would be able to open the door. Furbo would be miserable locked inside all day, but safe. I wasn't only afraid of some of the members of the stronghold finding yesterday's tribunal not amusing any longer and possibly lashing out against my furry friend, but I was also worried about all the strangers coming in and only seeing a predator in the grover, not my pet.

I lifted the hem of my dress and ran down the stairs, where, as expected, I was greeted by chaos. With Brogan and most of the warriors gone to do what needed to be done to defend our stronghold, the servants and courtiers ran about like a headless flock of chickens, which didn't sound funny after yesterday's events either.

To my left I saw Grian yelling instructions at the few servants staying calm enough to listen to him. I hastened forward, but a hand on my elbow stopped me.

"What is happening, Alahna?" Suzanna, one of the other three women given as tributes intercepted me.

Despite my impatience to talk to Grian, I realized the other three human women were probably even more scared than the rest of the household, and hadn't I just yesterday vowed to give them more of my time?

All three—Suzanna, Ammalia, and Calliope—stared at me with frightened expressions on their faces.

There was no time to ease them into what was happening, time we seemed painfully short of, so I dove right in. "The Vandalls are coming." I held their eyes and shushed Ammalia as she cried out. "The warlord and his warriors will protect us," I assured them confidently. "But he has ordered the city to be evacuated. All these people will be here soon, and they will need shelter and food. I need you to help Fiona in the kitchen, alright?"

Suzanna looked as if she had more questions or wanted to protest my order, but Ammalia took her hand and pulled her away. "You can count on us, my lady," she said, addressing me as custom dictated for the lady of the stronghold, even though we had grown up together and been given as tributes together, causing my opinion of her to rise. No wonder she had caught Cassair's interest. She seemed more adaptable than the others.

There was no time to dwell on it though, as I was finally able to make my way over to Grian. "Grian!"

"My lady." He inclined his head, from which, despite the chill in the air, sweat dripped to the floor.

"Where will we house all these people?" I got straight to the point, and his expression softened a bit when he realized I hadn't come to make silly demands.

"There are levels underneath the castle just for this eventuality, with enough room for all the denizens of Grymburg," he assured me.

"Good. Bedding? Clothes?" I imagined the denizens of Grymburg wouldn't have much time to pack their belongings on the way here.

"How much meat do you think we'll need?" Ohlav approached Grian, holding a book, which I imagined held the count of our livestock. He had been so deep in his numbers that he didn't realize I was there until he almost bumped into me.

His irritation for me showed on his face, but he bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment of my presence and my new role. " Lady Alahna."

"Master Ohlav," I replied, forcing warmth into my voice and willing myself to forget that he was one of the main instigators yesterday calling for Furbo to be put down.

"The denizens are instructed to bring what livestock they have with them in this situation," Grian said, wiping sweat off his forehead. "You will need to keep track of them."

"I know my job," Ohlav retorted, but with less annoyance than I thought he would have.

"Tell Fiona to make as much bread as she can and thin meat soup for our guests." Grian stopped a servant who was rushing by. "They will be cold after the long march. The soup will warm them."

"And tea," I added, before offering, "I will do that. But first, I want to take some servants and inspect the basement lodgings."

"As you wish." Grian shooed the servant he had stopped.

"What else do you need to be done?" I asked before I would go to the kitchen.

"If you do this, I will help Ohlav with the livestock," Grian said, looking actually somewhat relieved.

I gave him a tight nod and moved swiftly to the kitchen, which lay at the other end of the stronghold in its separate wing to eliminate the threat of a fire. I had never been to the kitchen but knew where it was.

The moment I entered I understood why the kitchen had its own separate wing. So many gas fireplaces, ovens, and stoves burned, it was hard to count them. I couldn't even begin to estimate the number of servants working here.

I found Fiona and relayed Grian's instructions to her before I begged for the three human women, Ammalia, Calliope, and Suzanna to be released from their chores to help me for the time being.

I also needed a Thyre servant girl to show me the way to the basement. The servant led us back into the main keep toward a hallway I had never used before, and I made a mental note that should we survive the Vandalls' attack, I would make time to get to know my new home better with all its hallways, passages, and rooms.

At any given time, Stronghold Grymburg was home to more than a thousand warriors and about half as many servants and courtiers. As its new mistress, I needed to learn everything about it.

The Thyre girl led us down a few steps into another hallway, which felt damper, and led to a large door. She carried a torch with her and took the lead as she began to light more gas torches all the way down the steep basement stairs. They became more slippery the farther down we climbed.

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