Page 11 of The Grumpy Dad

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“I like swimming as well.” I nodded.

“Tell me about you,” he said. “Why do you think you’d be a good fit for Lily?”

“I can’t say for sure I would be a good fit,” I answered honestly. It was the first bit of truth I told the man. “But I would like to see if we are. I like learning new things. I like to have fun. I really like working with children. When I was in school, I had grand plans to become a teacher. I wanted to teach high school history. I know a lot of people dream about being a teacher to little kids. I love hanging out with kids and I feel like I vibe pretty well with them, but I remember being in high school. When you connected with a teacher, it was rare, but when you did, it had the power to change your life. I wanted to be the teacher that changed lives.”

He was looking at me with an intensity that made me just a little uncomfortable. I just told him the truth and I immediately felt guilty for all the other bullshit I told him. I probably should have taken the moment to tell him I was a fraud. I had never been a nanny in my life, but how hard could it be to take care of a kid? She wasn’t a baby. If I did something wrong, she could tell her dad.

I wanted the damn job.

“A history teacher,” he said with a smile. “High school, no less. You’re brave.”

I laughed. “Well, as you can see, I never followed through, so I guess I’m not that brave.”

“I’m guessing you’re not too old to make that dream happen,” he said.

“I suppose not, but it still seems pretty far-fetched,” I admitted.

I shook off the little angel on my shoulder demanding I tell him the truth. Screw that. I wanted the job. I just needed a leg up. I doubted being a nanny paid all that much more than I was making now, but it wasn’t the money. It was the chance to do something I enjoyed. I wanted to work with kids. They brought me joy. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be the teacher who changed lives. Lily wasn’t really the type of kid I thought needed a safe adult to guide them, but it was a chance. It was experience. I could be Lily’s nanny for a while and when she didn’t need me, I could move onto another nanny job.

“Do you have a car?” he asked.

I grimaced. “Yes.”

“What’s that look for?”

“I have a car.” I nodded. “I have a machine that takes gas and moves on four wheels.”

His lips quirked. “Not a family-friendly car?”

I slowly shook my head, knowing I was probably losing the job as I spoke. “It’s a two-door Toyota. It’s older than I am. It’s probably older than you are. Is that an issue?”

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

“I do,” I answered.

“Tickets? Accidents?”

I shook my head. “No. I don’t drive a lot.”

“If I were to hire you, I would need a copy of your driver’s record,” he said. “Part of your duties would include picking Lily up from school. There will be mornings I might need her dropped off as well. Usually, I take her to school. If there are extra-curricular activities she is signed up for, I would need you to transport her to and from.”

I couldn’t believe I was going to lose a job because I couldn’t afford to buy a decent car. If I had a good job, I could buy a decent car. It seemed kind of a chicken before the egg scenario. But I wouldn’t want Lily at risk. My car was a piece of shit and I didn’t think kids were supposed to sit in the front seat. I should have known better when I opened my big mouth and asked for the job.

“I understand.” I nodded.

“I have a car that I prefer the nannies use to transport my daughter,” he said. “It’s one of the safest on the road, which is why I ask my nannies to use my car over their own. I keep up on the maintenance and don’t have to worry there’s going to be a flat tire or some kind of breakdown that leaves you guys stranded on the side of the road.”

Relief washed over me. “Oh.”

“But a clean driving record is a must,” he said. “Call me overprotective, but I don’t let my daughter ride with just anyone. I like to make sure she’s in good hands.”

“Of course,” I agreed. “I get it. That’s a smart decision.”

“I know.” he nodded.

I almost laughed at the cocky answer but decided to keep my mouth shut. The job was within reach, I just had to keep my mouth shut and only say the things that would land me the job.

