Page 42 of No Mercy

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I wasn’t there. He found someone else’s holes to fill. Of course he did. Why would I expect less? Austin had no trouble cheating on me. Apparently, neither does Gabriel. Though in all fairness, I did move out and not return his phone calls.

But he didn’t have to send me a fucking picture!

“I’m not going back to Lyndale.” I grab my duffle bag. I can’t see him right now. I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to see him again without seeing that woman’s face. But I know I can’t take a chance of seeing him or her tomorrow.

I don’t even bother folding. I toss everything in the bag: clothes, toiletries, shoes, iPad, laptop, cables. I’m packed in two minutes flat. It’s a record. Yay, me.

I throw my purse in the bag, zip it up, and sling it over my shoulder. One last glance around the room confirms I’ve got my train wreck of a life packed.

I pull out my phone and call him. I want to hear what a douche he is from his lying, cheating lips.

“Hello?” a saccharine sweet voice answers.

I check the screen to be sure I called him. I did. “Who is this?”

“Amber. Who’s this?”

“Frankie.” I bite my lip, trying to keep calm and steel my emotions from ripping her a new asshole.

“Oh, Frankie. We were just talking about you.”


“Well, Gabriel, of course. You did call his phone, didn’t you? Who else would I be referring to?”

God knows. I hoped I’d called someone else, even though the screen confirms I didn’t.

“Can I speak to him?” Do I still want to?

“Oh, honey. I’m sorry, but he stepped into the shower. In fact—” Rustling noises have me pulling the phone back until she speaks again. “He’s expecting me to join him.”

Of course he is. Gabriel loves shower sex.

“I’ll tell him you called.”

“You do that.” I hang up, stick my phone in my pocket, and walk out of my room.

There are no tears as I make my way to my next stop. I’m too angry to cry.

It only takes one knock and a few seconds before a smiling Rowdy greets me. His eyes fall to my bag before his smile falters.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m heading to Vegas. Wanna come?” I probably should go alone, but I don’t want to be alone. Plus, Austin is there, and, well, it would be nice to have someone big and strong by my side to be sure he doesn’t try something again. Though, I’m pretty sure he’s moved on. But yeah… Rowdy… Vegas… Me. It’s the closest to a game plan I have for such short notice of my life continuing to spiral out of control as it circles the drain.

He studies my face, looks me up and down. Then smiles. “Sounds like fun.”

I sigh in relief at his willingness to jump onboard my sinking ship without even asking any questions or wondering if I even have any life preservers. I don’t. Obviously.

Ushering me inside, he takes my bag. “Give me a minute, and I’ll be packed.”

I sit in the desk chair and watch as he does nearly the same thing I did. Throwing everything he has in his suitcase. Though, he does have a little more than me. He was planning on moving to Lyndale from here. He packed up his car a few days ago and has been following Cap and me as we make our rounds. He was planning on driving with us back home tomorrow, along with the other guys.

He stops packing and focuses on me. “What about Cap? Won’t he be mad I’m not going with him in the morning?”

“I’ll handle it.”

As if my word is gold, he smiles, nods, and finishes collecting his things.
