Page 43 of No Mercy

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On the way out, we stop by Cap’s. Once I’m standing in front of his door, I call him instead of knocking.

“Frankie? Everything okay?” He doesn’t sound like he was asleep.

“No. Can you open your door?”

“What?” The turn of the deadbolt clicks, and a startled Cap blinks at me. “What’s going on, Frankie?” He scowls at Rowdy over my shoulder.

I disconnect the call with him and pull up the lovely picture Gabriel sent me. “I’m not going home.”

“Why? Where you going?” He looks at Rowdy again. “Why’s he packed?”

“I’m going to Vegas. Rowdy is coming with me.” I hold up my phone so he can see it. “Gabriel texted me this. I can’t go back there. Not yet, anyway.”

Cap grabs my phone; his fingers whiten from the force of his grip. “Motherfucker.”


Cap sighs and pulls me into a hug. “He’s an idiot.” I nod my agreement, not trusting my voice. “You take care of her, you hear me?” he says over my head.

“Yes, sir. I plan to,” Rowdy answers from behind.

“Good.” Cap pats my back. “Do what you need to do. But don’t let Gabriel keep you away from your family. You hear me?”

“Hear you,” is all I can manage.

“I’ll send him back to Vegas. He’ll go. He won’t have a choice if he wants to keep his fight,” Cap insists. He kisses my head and pulls back, holding my hand. “You deserved better than those idiots have given you.”

Maybe, but maybe not.

People treat you the way you let them.

It’s time I stop letting people treat me like shit.

Like I don’t matter.

Like I’m nothing.

IARRIVE AT BLACK OPS EARLIERthan normal. Cap got back late last night according to Jonah, but I haven’t heard from Frankie. She’s not answering her phone. I’m worried. I don’t know where she is. Where she’s staying.

I need to be sure she’s safe.

I need to get her home.

I need to show her what I have to offer is enough. I can make her happy. I’m sure of it. I just need to convince her.

Making it as far as the training room, I stop when a red-faced Cap heads my way. Except he’s not stopping. He’s out for blood. Mine, apparently. “Whoa—”


He tags me right on the chin. I step back, shaking my head as dots dance in my vision. “Fuck, Cap. What was that for?” I get my bearings.

Jonah is in front of Cap, holding him back. Walker is running in from the locker room after Jonah called for reinforcements.

“You son of a bitch!” Cap ducks and throws an unsuspecting Jonah over his hip.

Stunned by an impressive move from the old man, I put my hands up. “Cap, what the fuc—”

Smack!His fist connects with my right eye.
