Page 48 of No Mercy

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“She’s with Austin?” I pull over. My hands shake with rage. “You fucking let her meet up with the man who hurt her in more ways than you’ll ever know?”

“Like your blowjob pic didn’t send her running to another state. I don’t even know you, but I know you’re an idiot for letting her go. How could you cheat on her?” He lets out a heavy sigh. “He’san idiot too. What’s with all the guys in her life?”

This is going downhill fast. “Listen, Rowdy—”



“My friends call me Rowdy. You can call me Cameron or Mr. Jenkins.”

The fuck?This kid has balls, I’ll give him that. “Okay, Cameron.” No way in hell I’m calling him mister anything, except Mr. Pain-in-my-ass. “She can’t be alone with Austin. This isn’t just an asshole ex. Austinhurther. You have to protect her. Promise you’ll get to her.”

The line is silent for a moment. “I tried to stop her. She’s a stubborn one.”

“That she is.”

“She said she needed to do this…” I can nearly hear him pacing, torn between giving her what she wants and what she needs. “His tailfeathers ruffled a little when he met me, but he quickly backed down. He looked like a beatdown dog with his head hung low and his tail between his legs more than anything else.”

“Where are you?”


“Listen. You don’t know me. I get that. I know I fucked up. But I need to see Frankie. I need to talk to her, make things right, but I also need to know she’s safe. Please. Tell me where you are.”

“We’re at Cap’s gym.”

IHEAR AUSTIN’S WORDS. I SEEhis mouth moving, but what I hear can’t be right. Pregnant? Some chick he was screwing around with while we were still together is having his baby.She’shaving his baby.

His. Baby.

Not. Me.


And he’s happy.

Fuck. Me.

I sit on Cap’s couch in his office he uses when he’s here, my hands locked between my knees, trying to still their trembling. But it’s of no use, just as the tears streaming down my cheeks don’t listen when I tell them not to fall.

It’s only been a few months, and he looks happier than he has in years. He’s thinner, not bulked up by the steroids he’d been using since his car accident. He’s clean. No drugs. No alcohol. No women. Except the one he impregnated when he was with me.

He put his dick in her vagina and got her pregnant. He wouldn’t even do that with me. But he could with her.

God, I’m an idiot.

I hate that I’m shocked and jealous. He hurt me so badly, treated me like shit—like yesterday’s trash—and yet he’s the one walking off into the sunset with a happy ending and the family I always wanted.

“I love her.” He twists the knife a little deeper.

All I can do is nod like a damn bobblehead and try to stop my chin from trembling.

He loves her.

He doesn’t love me.

He hasn’t for a while now.

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