Page 79 of No Mercy

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Here comes the demand. “Yeah, Cap.”

“Did you get that thing we discussed dislodged yet?”

I chuckle and pull my girl close. “Yes, sir. My head is fully out of my ass, and I’m staring at my future as we speak.”

“I’m glad to hear it, son.” His voice has turned husky.

I can only imagine he’s feeling the same emotions I am. Elated I’ve worked it out with my Angel and thankful I’m back in his good graces.

“Then, Frankie, you need to get yourself packed. Gabriel, Rowdy is downstairs waiting on you two to catch the next flight out.” He surprises both of us with a game plan already in place. Typical Cap move.

“What if I hadn’t called you?” Frankie asks.

“I gave him strict orders to give you lovebirds till 9 p.m. before banging on your door.”

Her eyes meet mine, and a devious smile takes over her face. “So, we have a little more than an hour before we need to leave?”

Cap clears his throat. “I suppose so. Give or take.”

Oh, I’m gonna give and take, alright.“See you soon, Cap.” I disconnect the phone and text Rowdy to make some sandwiches for the ride to the airport.

My girl’s gonna be hungry after I make her come a time or two.

WAKING UP IN VEGAS THIS TIMEisn’t tarnished by the sadness I felt the last time I was here, or honestly, the last year here with Austin. I want to bound out of bed, but I’ve learned to take it slow in the morning, easing onto my side and getting the feel of the land—the state of my stomach—before making any rash movements.

A kiss on my shoulder has my heart jumping and my pulse thrumming, remembering who I’m here with, and why I’m no longer sad. “Morning, Angel.”

“Morning, Big Man.” I squirm into him, feeling his hardness pressed against my backside.

He smacks said rear. “Don’t tease what you can’t have.” He kisses up my neck. “At least not until after the fight.”

Some fighters abstain from sex before a major fight. Last night after we got to his hotel suite, Gabriel shared the news he usually stops a week before, but since he hadn’t had sex since we broke up, he wasn’t missing out on loving me. Until this morning. He draws the line on fight day, says he wants to use the desire he has for me to fuel his win and then claim me as his reward.

Naked, his impressively hard dick bobbing against his abs, he saunters to the bathroom. He smirks at me over his shoulder when he catches me watching. “Hungry?”


He chuckles and shakes his head, pausing at the door. “Check out the room service menu. I’ll order when I come out.”

I stretch over his side of the bed to get the menu.

“And, Angel?”

“Yeah?” I catch him checking out my ass as I look over my shoulder this time.

His heated gaze has my pussy clenching with want. “I promise fight days are the only day I’ll deny you sex. All other days of the year, your wish is my command.”

Sitting up, I wrap my arms around my bent knees, resting my chin on my arms. “I’ve gone without sex so much over the last few years, one day, now and again, isn’t going to kill me.” My revelation is honest, but maybe not what he needs to hear today.

He glowers and comes back, sitting on the edge of the bed, his arm wrapping around me. “You and Austin—”

“Rarely,” I interrupt before he can say the words I’d rather not hear from his lips. “And at the end, even less so.” Shame pinkens my cheeks, and I turn toward the window, unable to hold his gaze.

“Frankie?” He pulls me into his chest, allowing me to hide there. “What are you not saying?”

A sob I tried like hell to hold in has me shuddering in his arms as it escapes. “I’m sorry.” I can’t imagine what he’s feeling, comforting me from the pain caused by another man.

“Hey.” He captures my chin, urging my eyes to his. “You never have to apologize, be ashamed, or hide your hurt from your time with Austin.” He wipes at my tears. “You were together since you were fourteen. You became who you are with him. I don’t begrudge you that or expect you to act like beingwith himorwithout himdoesn’t have a lasting impact on you.”
