Page 82 of No Mercy

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I’ve been to hundreds of fights. I’ve seen how Gabriel rules the octagon. He doesn’t mess around unless he’s feeling really cantankerous, then he’ll play with his prey for a while before taking them down. He’s undefeated. A fact I need to remember.

Tonight feels different, though. Immensely important.

“If you freak out, blame it on the baby. Don’t say you don’t feel well, as that will get him out of here even faster. But you know, hormonal and all. Emotional. Delusional. Crazy.”

I whack his arm. “I’m not crazy and delusional.”

He rolls his eyes. “I’ve doubted your sanity a few times over the past few months. It’s a valid excuse.”

He’s ridiculous. “Whatever. Ready?”

He grants me a dimpled smile. “Always.”

His hand firmly placed on the middle of my back, he guides me forward. Our backstage passes get the onceover before we’re let in. The halls are cluttered with all kinds of people. My eyes wander to the ring-chasers, easy to spot by the lack of clothing, the abundance of cleavage, and usually hanging on or flirting with some fighter, no matter how big or small. They all start somewhere, but the bigger cards get more ring-chasers. I better not find any near Gabriel.

Rowdy walks right on by like he doesn’t even see them. Impressive. I wonder if it’s an act for me, or if he really doesn’t roll that way.

“Not my style.” He reads my mind.

“Glad to hear it.”

As we pass a few doors with predatory assholes lingering outside, Rowdy pulls me closer.

When a guy looking like his ego is larger than his stature can support steps toward us, Rowdy puts up a hand with a one-word warning. “Don’t.”

Ego Dude stops in his tracks, glaring but not saying a word. Rowdy gives a good I-could-kill-you-and-not-break-a-sweat glare. It’s an art form. He’s perfected it.

Tension radiates off him, daring anyone else to make a move. No one does, but I feel a little dirty for all their eye-probing.

“Don’t let ‘em get to you, darlin’. Their bark is worse than their bite.” He looks down at me with a wink. “They couldn’t handle a firecracker like you.”

I let loose a laugh, having no doubt he could. He proposed, after all.

My gaze falls to the other side of the hall, and I spot familiar faces coming our way. Sloan and Walker fall into step, escorting us the rest of the way. My guess is they spotted potential trouble and came to offer reinforcement. No doubt at Gabriel’s urging.

Outside the door with Gabriel’s name on it, the rest of the guys filter out, waving me through. No time wasted on greetings. Also, on Gabriel’s orders, I’m sure. I step inside as Cap, Coach, and Jonah step out with mere nods ofhello.

My eyes lock on Gabriel bouncing on the balls of his feet, dodging and swinging at nothing but the competitor in his mind’s eye.

When he spots me, his movements slow as he rakes me from head to toe. I wore a dress, maybe a little too formal for a fight, but it felt like I should dress up for him. Make him proud to have me on his arm. Though, in reality, no one is going to see us together. It’s not like I’m escorting him down the aisle to the octagon.

“Angel.” His hands squeeze my waist, and his mouth crushes mine before I can respond. Diving in deep, he pulls me tight, pivoting so I’m hidden from view by the bulk of his body.

“Gabriel,” I gasp against his lips.

“Fuck. You look incredible. I can’t wait to get inside you.”

A full body shudder in response has him pulling me closer, his hand gripping my ass.

“You saw me at the hotel,” I remind him.

“Yeah, but against this backdrop, full of testosterone, your sexiness is amplified.” He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear, “It’s like you’re full HD color in a black and white world.”

My hands rest on his hard pecs, bulging by his state of readiness. I squeeze in admiration. He squeezes my ass in response, tweaking my chin to get my attention. “You want me, Angel?”

My breath catches. The sight of him all alpha, predatory, and ready to hunt is such a turn on. “Yes. Can I have you?”

He chuckles and nips at my ear. “You wet for me?”

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