Page 50 of Feathers so Vicious

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My teeth clenched at the sarcasm lacing his tone as more thunder rumbled nearby. “It shouldn’t be in my chamber.”

“So you thought the best course of action was to storm into mine…” his gaze took a stroll down my form before his eyes finally settled somewhere on my chest, “looking likethis?”

I stared down at myself, only now realizing I must have gotten my shift wet when I’d stumbled into my wash table, given how the fabric clung to my body like second skin. And a sheer one at that, showing the rosy dark areola around my nipple.

“I called for you, hoping you might hear me.” I quickly folded my arms in front of my chest as a spluttering sound escaped my lips. “So much about amplified senses…”

Scoffing, he lifted his hand, combing his fingers through those long black strands he carried loose for once, brushing them over to one side to reveal the sheared part on the other. “Myanoaisn’t with me right now. I sent him away so I could fall to sleep with this dreadful storm. He’ll be back soon.Anoashate separating from their unkindness for too long.”

“So that damn bird in my chamber was yours?”

“Did the idiot stumble over its own two legs and fly straight into a wall? Because that’s him.”

“No, but it acted… strangely. Spread its wings, crooned and bobbed its head.”

He squinted, the reaction amplified by a strike of lightning that flickered across the slits that remained. “That… doesn’t sound like myanoaat all.”

“Who, then?”

“Malyr? Some drunk? What does it matter? The bird’s gone, sweetheart.” One step brought him closer. “I think you should leave, too.” He pressed his lips together, and he wetted the bottom one before his voice returned darker, grittier. “It’s not becoming of a lady to be here with me. Alone. Remember? Something to do with…indecentthings.”

My breathing altered at the taunting mirth in his voice, rousing a nervous tingle in my chest. Right at this moment, I wasn’t sure what would be worse—being with him here, or being alone there. What if the raven returned? But I could hardly stay here, could I?

The way I glanced around the chamber must have given away my thoughts, because Sebian stroked a scarred finger along the underside of my chin, bringing my eyes to meet his. “Unless you want to stay?”

It was treacherous, that sense of relief that settled on my lungs as I slowly exhaled. “Would you let me?”

“Depends.” A swipe of his thumb over my bottom lip. “What will you give me in return?”

My guts tied into a knot. “What do you want?”

He took my wrist, pulled my hand away from my chest and placed it on his hardening cock. Before I managed to pull back, his fingers curled around mine, enclosing his hardening shaft sitting behind cotton. It swelled against my touch, rocking against my knuckles as moisture appeared beneath my fingertip.

“You’ll leave as much a virgin as you arrived,” he all but groaned against the side of my neck. “Trust me.”

I pulled my hand away and stepped back. “I can’t.”

His long black strands fell along both sides of his face, filling the area beneath his cheekbones with shadows as he stared at me. For a moment, I expected him to grab me, to force me.

Instead, he turned around, took his bow that leaned in the corner, and pushed it into the clasp of my hand. “Whack it.”


“The raven, sweetheart.”Nowhe grabbed me, led me toward the door, and opened it. “Should it come back, just aim at the head. Try not to break my bow. It’s plumed.”

“What?” I braced against the way he shoved me into the corridor. “But—”

A startling strike of lightning illuminated the corridor. Shadows crept and crawled over the ground, along the walls, along the ceiling toward me. Thunder crackled in the sky like whiplashes, deepening into rolling bellows that slowly penetrated the basalt rocks until the entire castle shook with a desperation that matched my own.

“I don’t want to go back to my chamber.”

Not alone. Not on such a night.

But most of all, not alone!

He stepped closer once more, and I sensed his hard cock against my backside. “Sounds like a predicament to me…”

“You’re still angry with me,” I said. “Because of the argument at the market.”
