Page 51 of Feathers so Vicious

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“You know who’s even angrier with you? Malyr. Perhaps you want to knock on his door? Ask if you can climb under his covers?”

That suggestion was starting to put things into perspective. If he promised that I would remain unblemished, was this not worth it? Justified even, in light of the fact that the bird might have been Malyr’s? What if he came to my chamber? Was staying with Sebian not better? Safer?

His breath fanned my earlobe where he rasped, “I’m not going to hurt you, Galantia. You have my word that you will leave here with your maidenhead intact.”

My muscles quivered as I clung to the calmness in his voice, the reassurance of his words. No, Sebian had never hurt me, had never lied to me. At least… I didn’t think he had.

“Be honest with yourself just once, Galantia. You want this. And if Malyr was here right now, chances are that you’d want him, too. But he isn’t. It’s just you and me, and I don’t get off on hurting you. I get off on pleasing you.” He pressed a finger into a taut muscle along the side of my neck, rubbing away the tension. “I’ll make certain you enjoy this, just like in the library. That felt good, didn’t it?”

My pulse fluttered. “Yes.”

Little panting breaths heaved from my chest as his palm glided down my arm, removing the bow from my hand and letting itclankto the ground before he clasped my waist. He gently kneaded toward the barely-covered flesh of my hip until it warmed, heated, then hiked up my shift.

“Sebian,” I breathed, hypnotized by the way his fingers explored and mapped the shape of my body as he slowly slid the cotton upward. “I’m not sure if—”

“Shh…” Hushing me, he pushed the fabric up and over my head, exposing my naked body to the chill of the night. “Am I hurting you?”

I clenched my thighs and hid my breasts behind my arms. “No, but—”

“No. I’m not hurting you, am I?” Arm slung around my belly, he walked us backward, and slammed the door shut. “All I want is to touch you, sweetheart. Make you feel good, like I did in the library. Is that a bad thing, hmm?”


“No,” he echoed as he walked me over to his bed, his hard shaft pressed tightly against my lower back. “And you’re going to come for me again, aren’t you?”

His fingers skimmed down my belly, climbing between my thighs until they pressed down over my clit, letting rich shivers ripple across nearby muscles. My whimper found voice when his fingers adopted a circling motion, rousing an overwhelming heat.

“Fuck, you’re sensitive, already twitching beneath my fingertips. I barely touched you, sweet thing. Turn around and sit.” The moment I did, he pushed his trousers down, freeing his erection. “Look at me.”

He clasped my chin before I managed to avert my gaze, lifting my eyes without saying another word. For long moments, he just stood in front of me, demanding that I take all of him in—the hard slabs of muscle that rose and sank with his breaths, the perfectly smooth skin that draped over them, the defined ridges and deeply-cut valleys along his abdomen.

Gods, he was beautiful, scars and all.

He lifted my hand to his cock. “Touch me.”

His bulbous, slick crown pressed into my palm, letting worry and excitement coil deep in my belly. His hard shaft was thick and long, twitching beneath my touch. How soft the skin was. How the raised veins lining it pulsed with blood.

“Lie down.” He climbed onto the bed, making me scoot back until my back hit the furs. “Spread those legs for me, Galantia.”

Before a word of objection crossed my lips, he pressed one knee between my thighs, then the other, prying my legs apart. “Sebian, I don’t—”

“Stop fussing,” he said as the heat of his body lowered onto mine, bringing with it the scent of nature. “It’s not like I get to fuck you the way I want.”

His cock pressed against my mound, sending my mind into a dizzying spin. More intoxicating was the way he rounded his back as he thrust his hips forward, sliding his hot flesh along my clit.

A string of moans parted my lips as liquid heat pulsed between my legs. “Oh, gods… Sebian…”

“There we go. That’s my good girl, moaning my name so nicely.” He kept the weight of his strong chest off me with one arm as he rocked back and forth with an intensity that shook my breath. “Does that feel good, sweetheart? The way my cock is rubbing along your clit?”


The tip of his nose brushed the fine wisps along my temple, sending a wave of gooseflesh across my skin that hardened my nipples. His fingers found them, taking turns in circling them, pulling them, teasing them until they ached.

He rolled his pelvis against mine, sending one delicious shiver after the other across my body until my skin buzzed. The tantalizing pressure, the devastating rhythm, the way his crown sometimes slipped against my center, only to glide upward again without entering me… Gods, this Raven could move!

“You’re so beautiful, Galantia,” he murmured. “Fuck, I want you so badly.”

My heart sang in my chest.
