Page 101 of Shadows so Cruel

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More glaring silence.

Until, after what felt like an eternity, Malyr nodded and continued to rock into me, and… what… what did that mean?

Only when Sebian’s cock prodded at a hole already thoroughly filled did realization strike and wench a gasp from me. “What—”

“Shh…” Sebian hushed where he lay on his side behind me, wedging his cock into me with hot-stinging pulsations. “You can handle us both, sweetheart. Just… relax. Let me in.”

I let out a deep groan as both men slowly thrust into me, with Sebian lapping the sensitive skin behind my ear while Malyr devoured my mouth. The sensation was intense, stretching and burning in places I’d never felt before. But the sting soon faded into a deep, filling pressure, bringing an overwhelming sense of bliss that seemed to wrap around us like a blanket.

“We love you so much, Galantia,” Sebian whispered, making my body quiver and shudder between them as waves of ecstasy flooded over me again and again—each wave stronger than the last. “Do you hear me, sweetheart? Right here, between us, you are so very loved.”

“Say that you love us both,” Malyr rasped against my bottom lip before he nipped the swollen flesh. “Say it, and we’ll let you come this time.”

My senses heightened, one arm reaching behind me to grab Sebian’s neck while my other hand dove into Malyr’s hair. “I love you. Both of you.”

I threw my head back against Sebian in pleasure, my moans echoing in the room as both men increased their thrusting pace. Taking complete control of my body, they spread me wide with their passionate movements, sending me into new heights of pleasure that had me quivering and shaking uncontrollably. Their cocks filled me perfectly, each thrust pushing me closer to pure rapture as the sensations between my legs intensified until I couldn’t take it anymore.

My release came in a blinding wave of sheer delight, amplified only by the way how, first, Sebian lost his rhythm, groaning as he released deep inside me. Malyr followed mere seconds after, his chest rising and falling rapidly at those panted groans of pleasure.

We stayed connected for a long time afterward, our breathing still labored and our skin slick with sweat. And when I nodded off once more, I did in a protective embrace of arms and legs, my entire being encapsulated by love.

So much love.



Valtaris, throne room

My heels clicked softly in the eerie quiet as I crossed the throne room, the black stone illuminated by fractured rainbows from how the moonlight streamed through the massive colored windows. The dancing flames from the sconces flickered as if trying to compete, sending shadows to skitter across the blood-red walls that cast the room in a mysterious glow.

Lowering the white scarf David had made me from my heated neck, I continued past the left of the throne, following that faint rumble of deep voices. I loved spending my nights between both Sebian and Malyr. Only one of them was acceptable if the other was busy, but having none of them beside me?

That wouldn’t do.

“Several wagonloads of grains have left the granaries at Hanneling Hold, but the thaw and mud make for slow progress,” Asker mumbled somewhere behind that stone archway that led to the map room. “Lord Aros himself left for Valtaris so he may attend the coronation. Perhaps he is already in the city?”

Malyr let out a long, audible exhale where he stood over the map chiseled into the stone table before him. “That he obeyed and sent the grains without delay is a relief, indeed. It could have gone differently.”

Sebian scoffed, the northern territories apparently inconsequential to this war, because that was where he lay sprawled out on the stone table, his arms folded beneath his head as a pillow. “Maybe he realized that you’ve done him a fucking favor.”

Malyr arched a brow at Sebian before he turned his attention back to Asker. “What about the other bannermen? The human lords?”

“All will attend the ceremony, and scouts have spotted the first carriages coming north-east.”

“Have them closely watched. Once the ground hardens, I want them all to gather so we may discuss the attack on Ammarett,” Malyr said. “I am looking forward to slicing off the heads of Barat and Brisden before we install human governance we can trust and rely on.”

“Nobody touches Domren.” There was a dark quality in Sebian’s voice he so rarely showed. “That bastard is mine to kill.”

When nobody said anything for long moments, I cleared my throat.

“What’s wrong?” Malyr walked up to me, his black vest as unbuttoned as the white shirt beneath was untied, and he wrapped his arms around me. “You cannot sleep?”

“No,” I said and looked back and forth between him and Sebian, who’d lifted his head to grin at me. “If you lend me some of your shadows, I’ll try to knit myself a blanket. The gods know I’d have more company if I curled up with it here between carved figurines of ravens and horses.”

“Is this your way of saying that you’re missing us, sweetheart, hmm? Malyr, our woman’s feeling neglected.” Sebian chuckled, thrust himself up, and slipped off the table before he strode toward us. “How about we take good care of her?”

Asker cleared his throat. “The hour is late, I know, but there is still much to discuss.”
