Page 100 of Chasing the Red Queen

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Donja sipped, then swished it in her mouth and swallowed.

Scooting closer on the edge of the bed, Makayla, wide eyed like a kid at Christmas, blurted. “What happened? I want every gory detail!”

Donja licked her lips, his kisses rekindled. “Oh God,” she declared with a hoarse voice. “I’m in love.”

“No way!” Makayla shrieked. “Girl, you were so hot when you left here I thought you might kill him.”

“I tried, but that man can kiss, and his hands,” she moaned, her voice clearing, “he worked me like a sculptor with clay.”

Makayla’s eyes narrowed. “You slept with him, didn’t you? I can see it in your eyes.”

“Four times.”

Makayla’s mouth gaped open. “You didn’t! Four times? Is that even possible?” she screeched, loud enough to wake the dead.

Donja raised a finger to her lips. “Shush!”

“Holy shit!”

Donja gripped Makayla’s arm and they shared a look, lights sparkling in her eyes. “But you know what?” she whispered with a wicked smile, glancing past her to the door as if fearing someone might hear, “four times could never be enough. I want more.”

“You shameless hussy! Weren’t you in pain? Heather told me that first time was a bitch.”

“I won’t lie, it hurt like hell but then…you kinda get past it and then, mmm, you won’t believe how it feels to dive into pools of ecstasy. I’ve heard the word, but until you go there, you just don’t understand, it’s so beautiful,” she paused licking her lips, “not to mention the security and joy of knowing you have his heart,” she mused with half closed eyes.

“You are in love, oh my God, it really happened,” Makayla whispered, the seriousness of her voice, haunting.

Donja took a gasping breath. “Yes,” she whispered, “and I want to fall asleep in his arms every night for an eternity,” she mused, “only to wake every morning and see his face, those eyes, taste him and know he’s mine. Oh girl, it’s done, over, I’m a goner, hopelessly devoted, can’t live without him.”

Makayla mumbled under her breath and then her face quirked up, “I’m jealous!”

“Just go for it!”

“He won’t, I’ve tried. Grrrr!” She gritted her teeth.

“Grab him, I mean literally with your hand and don’t let go no matter what he says. Get him hot enough and he’ll give in, just like Torin did.”

“You bad girl,” she laughed, “I may just try that tonight.”

“You have a date tonight?”

“Yeah, you did know that Gage and I are joining you all for dinner, didn’t you? Your Mom asked us to join you guys. Can you believe it?”

Donja tucked her hair behind her ears. “I did, I just didn’t know she invited Gage, but I’m glad.”

Makayla rumpled her brows. “I was shocked, because she’s been ballistic, screaming, crying, breaking dishes, you wouldn’t believe.”

“Oh yeah I would, but thank the stars she’s had a change of heart.”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Makayla cocked her head, “there’s a man who’s supposed to meet us in about thirty minutes at the library downtown. He has information about the pictures.”

“A half hour?” Donja said scooting from the bed. “Let me get dressed,” she grimaced. “Hmm, I’m a little sore,” she said donning her jeans.

“Well what do you expect, hussy? You can’t even walk straight.”

“Well I lost a bit of blood and he had me drink wine to help replenish, but I am still weak.”

“I was referring to four times in the sack, you hussy.”
