Page 110 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“Yes, and I love him, just like Donja knew about Torin and…”

“Loves him, just the same,” Lisa interrupted.

“Now, the critical part,” Torin said as he faced off with Carson and then Lisa. “I don’t want to hurt you, you’re Donja’s family, but if you talk, you will be silenced by a force none can see or touch. There is no hiding and the police won’t believe you and even if they did, they too would be killed. This is not a few or even a handful, it’s enough that if need be, they will take out this whole city to protect their way of life. That’s why you cannot involve anyone. Do you understand?”

“This is unreal,” Carson stammered.

“Do you understand?” Torin growled inches from his face.

Carson swallowed hard and took a step back. “Yes, I…I’m starting too.”

“Well you better get past the start, Carson, because they may come for Lisa and Frankie.”

“Carson jerked his head up. “Why?” he asked with pleading eyes.


“Blood?” Lisa screeched.

Torin stepped closer. “Donja’s blood is a rare type, Rh-null. It’s of the Durent Clan which originated in this area over a thousand years ago. Most of them are dead, or taken, that’s why they want Donja, she’s rare, a needle in a haystack, but for her to be of use they’ll need a donor.”

Lisa gasped. “I don’t understand.”

“For Donja to mate with someone other than me, they have to drain her blood and get rid of my antigens.”

“Antigens, I don’t understand.”

“I marked her and she bears my antigens. We’re one in the blood and for her to successfully mate with another, they would have to drain her…”

“No!” Lisa interrupted, “this can’t be happening.”

“But it is,” Torin whispered.

“So, you’re saying that they would need my blood, or Frankie’s for a transfusion?”

“Yes,” Torin sighed. “Yours wouldn’t work, it’s different, but they’re not aware of that so they’ll try for you as well as your son.”

Lisa swallowed hard. “That’s why Anna ran,” she mumbled with tears streaking her cheek, “and she never came back.”

Carson sat down and with his elbows on his knees, buried his face in his hands. “I did this,” he moaned. “I brought you here.”

“It’s not your fault, Carson,” Lisa said. She rose to her feet and crossed the room, closing the gap between her and Torin. “I want my daughter back,” she snapped, slamming a hand to his chest, “so tell me, Iridescent. What do we do?”

Torin met her misty eyes with a penetrating stare. “Nothing,” Torin whispered. I will have Iridescents posted around this house night and day, especially on Frankie.”

Lisa moaned. “And these Iridescents you speak of. Are they like you, fanged vampires?”

“Not vampires, Iridescents and yes, they are like me.”

“And that’s supposed to help us?”

“Yes, and they are some of the most ruthless, deadly killers alive.”

“Sleeping with the enemy,” she grumbled. “Are we safe from them?”

“Yes, they are loyal to me and I give you my word, they will die to protect you.”

“And the next step?” Carson asked with imploring eyes.
