Page 127 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“What are you doing, Larkspur? The bitch is pregnant!” Garret’s voice boomed behind them.

“I’m taking her to her room,” Larkspur said, “she’s of no use to Zaroc in this condition.”

“I’ll fix that!” Garret shouted. “I’ll get the boy!”

Cold Hard Truth

Anna’s arrival at Hampton Manor was bittersweet. Torin opened the back door to the vehicle and when Anna’s spiked heels came to rest upon the uneven stones of cobblestone drive, she wobbled, saved from a fall by his hands, gentle but firm. Steadying herself as Torin and Carson retrieved her luggage, Anna noticed the silent faces of men, emerging from the shadows, lured by the scent of Durent blood.

“They are loyal to me,” Torin said, detecting her fluctuating pulse. There’s nothing to fear.”

Hearing a screech, Anna saw Lisa emerge from the open front door, arms spread, tears glistening in moonlight as she raced toward her. They fell together, tightly bound with an embrace that lingered. Finally, Anna pulled back, eyes on the open door where a soft glowing light warmed the steps. She swallowed tears, finding her voice. “Where’s Frankie?”

Lisa turned her head to the rooftop of the house.

Anna joined her side and there, perched like a bird of prey, she saw a silhouetted form. “Frankie,” she whispered, a hand to her mouth. The darkened figure rose as if lured by her voice, feet planted in a wide stance as twin lights cut a fluorescent swath to breach the darkness. Anna gasped, shielding her eyes from the glare. “No!”

“Let’s get you inside,” Lisa whispered, taking her arm. “There is much to explain.”

Inside the manor, Anna hugged Makayla.

“Oh, my goodness,” Makayla said, “you look just like Donja.”

“That’s quite the compliment, my dear,” Anna mused. She slipped out of her heels, gripping them in her hand and found Lisa’s gaze. “Frankie?” she asked, fighting her tears.

“Coffee?” Lisa countered.

“Just an answer please, and then if you could show me to my room.”

“Donja’s been bitten by Torin and bears his antigens,” Lisa blurted, expecting the disclosure to be a shock, yet if it was, it didn’t show in Anna’s face. “Her abductors want to nab Frankie with the plan of draining Donja’s blood and using Frankie’s to infuse her so that she…”

“Can get pregnant,” Anna interrupted.

“Yes, and Frankie would die. We had no choice but to taint his blood with another Iridescents antigens.”

“Was it forced upon him?” Anna asked.

“No, we talked about it in depth. Frankie really admires Gage, Makayla’s Iridescent boyfriend. He got to see Gage transformed and after that, there was no holding him back. He wanted it and I was relieved. I couldn’t lose him, Anna.”

Anna dropped her head, then exhaled softy, “A wise decision, but painful nonetheless. She raised her head. “He’s not my Frankie anymore, is he?”

“Not exactly,” Lisa’s lips trembled, “he’s crossed over and now…he’s a powerful Iridescent trapped inside a boy’s body. He doesn’t need a mother anymore,” Lisa said and her voice though close, sounded miles away. She turned away and busied herself, rinsing the coffee pot. “It’s killing me, Anna,” she said without looking. “I have lost both my children to this unforgiving land.”

“Not the land, my dear,” Anna said softy. She turned to Makayla. “Would you be so kind as to show me to my room?”


Atop the landing of the third floor, Anna paced behind Makayla, floorboards creaking. When Makayla opened the door and Anna stepped inside she paused, barefoot on plush ivory carpet.

Makayla joined her side. “This is Donja’s new room. The construction workers just finished the renovations. It’s lovely, but Donja didn’t want it, she wanted to share a room with me so that you could have it, but after she was abducted, Lisa insisted on decorating it for her. She comes up here every day and just sits for hours, crying.”

“I understand,” Anna whispered, seeing Donja’s CDs and her favorite magazines. She noticed a shelf which held remnants of her life, her handprint cast in plaster, ribbons from the St. Joseph football games, Pinocchio and Mickey Mouse from Disneyland. Then she noticed Donald’s picture which she sent Donja for her birthday. Tears streaked her cheek.

“Well,” Makayla said, “I’ll leave you to relax, I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

“Thank you,” Anna said, as the door closed. Her eyes washed over the room which was soft and creamy. She walked to the four-poster bed, dressed in a satin gray skirt with a white topper. She spun to a knock at the door. “Come in.”

Lisa eased through the door and closed it behind. “Do you need help unpacking?”
