Page 129 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“Does he have a sword?”

“Yes, I couldn’t stop him, but Gage, who is Makayla’s fiancé, is training him and who knows, maybe it’s for the best. He might at some point have to defend himself.”

Anna’s eyes narrowed. “I agree, but I must admit, I’m shocked. I didn’t realize Iridescents could die.”

“They can, and they do, but the head must be severed. It’s ghastly, about the most horrific thing I’ve ever witnessed, but it’s justified and given the chance, I’d behead one myself knowing what they have in store for Donja.”

Anna exhaled. “Such misery.”

Lisa stood up and Anna joined her side. They hugged.

“Enough of this for now, my head’s spinning. Daylight is upon us,” she said, casting a look to the windows. “Do you want to sleep or perhaps a cup of coffee? I baked cinnamon rolls.”

“That sounds wonderful, I am a bit hungry, but then I need to get some sleep.”

Inside the kitchen with the redolent smell of coffee and fresh baked cinnamon rolls wafting, Lisa and Anna sipped coffee, laced with sugar and cream. Maestro suddenly sprang to his feet barking. Startled, with her nerves on edge, Makayla dropped her glass of orange juice. Maestro ran to the windows reared on his hind legs, pricked his ears and barked.

Lisa snatched her Colt 45 off the counter, stepping over the spilled juice. “Carson!”

“Upstairs, I’m coming!”

Maestro went berserk, barking and growling, scratching at the pane. He all but ripped the curtains from the rod, then bolted, running back and forth from the kitchen windows to the front door. Concerned, two Affiliates, swords in hand, came in from the living room, just as Gage came bounding down the stairs. A rap on the front door sent the Affiliates and Gage scurrying.

“Who’s there?” Gage bellowed.

“It’s me, brother,” a deep masculine voice penetrated the door.

Gage unbolted the locks, just as Lisa, gun-in-hand edged into the foyer. The door swung wide and she saw Val, Torin’s best friend who looked like a steroid-induced Hulk Hogan. “We got incoming,” he barked, his deep, masculine voice echoing the foyer. “Stay with the mortals. Keep them safe!”

“You got it!” Gage shouted as he slammed the door and spun. “Everyone upstairs!”

In the upstairs hallway, Makayla, Anna and Lisa sat on the floor, cordoned by two Affiliates. A blood curling howl outside the house sent them into action. Lisa, Anna and Makayla stood up just as Carson and Gage moved steadily toward the stairs. The sound of shattering glass echoed up the stairwell, followed by crashing and a deep, painful “Ugh.” An eerie silence settled upon them. Gage, who was standing in the middle of the hallway crouched at the knee and with his sword high, shouted, “They want Frankie but once they see he’s changed, they’ll come for Lisa but be ready, once they catch Anna’s scent, she will be their main target. Guard her with your life!”

Two loyal Affiliates joined Gage, swords poised in the hallway and from below, the sounds of battle permeated the floors forcing them to bristle. “Get ready!” Gage growled. “I can smell them!”

Suddenly a dark shape topped the stairs, followed by two others, streaking toward them. The two Affiliates who were guarding the women flashed forward with a flurry of swinging blades. Gage jumped into the mix, face to face with an Iridescent. A head went flying, with a trail of blood behind. Makayla screamed, blood splattering the walls and in the escalating chaos, Carson with his .357 in hand, backed Anna, Makayla and Lisa down the hallway.

Gage’s body went soaring. He crashed into the wall, mortar cracking and dust falling from the ceiling. He slid down the wall just as the Iridescent with eyes like a fluorescent strobe, leapt forward and swung his blade. Gage ducked, evading death with a kick to the midsection which sent his assailant flying with such force that he broke through the wall into the bathroom. Gage bounced to his feet and jumped through the mangled heap after him. Seconds later, they crashed back through the wall. The rogue swung, Gage ducked, leapt high and swung, decapitating the rogue.

A second Iridescent streaked toward the women. Carson fired his pistol. “Gage!” he shouted.

Gage streaked the hallway like a beam of light.

The Iridescent spun, bleeding from a bullet wound to the chest. He growled. Gage swung on him but the Iridescent parried. Gage jumped, spinning in the air and swung, his blade severing the Iridescents head.

“Gage, behind you!” Makayla screamed.

Gage spun then immediately rocked his body back evading a swinging blade so close he felt it nick his skin. He ducked a second swing and with a growl rumbling from his lips swung his sword which found the Iridescents neck with a loud thud. His head went rolling.

Hearing Lisa and Makayla’s screams, he wiped blood from his eyes as an Iridescent flung Makayla aside, fangs bared, his fluorescent eyes on Lisa and Anna.

Carson stepped forward with the gun smoking as he fired projectiles into the demon’s chest. The Iridescent, the size of bull, showing no effect from the bullets, swung his fist and sent Carson flying.

Gage raced the hall, his body a blur. He raised his sword but the Iridescent caught his scent and spun. They parried simultaneously. Gage lost his sword. He ducked, steel flying inches over his head and lunged forward, knocking the Iridescent off his feet. The Iridescents sword bounced on the floor, sliding away. Gage rushed him, but he swung his balled fist which caught Gage on the jaw, sending him flying back down the hall. Carson came in from behind, pressed the pistol to the Iridescents head and fired. The Affiliate slumped and with a wide swing, knocked Carson on his back. Lisa crawled on hands and knees, saturated in blood. She snatched the sword just as the Affiliate turned his attention back to Gage. She swung with all her might. The blade hit the Affiliate from the back and his head, though not completely severed, dangled upon his chest as he slumped to his knees. She raised the blade, tears falling and swung again.

Val came running up the stairs, six Affiliates behind him. “Everyone safe?” he asked, blood dripping from his face.

“Yes,” Gage wheezed, “we killed four, but we lost Markus and Eric.”
