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Inside the car, shielded by dark tinted glass, Torin slammed his fist to the steering column. “Damn it that’s three in the last three weeks.”

“Well, we have his feeding pattern, so we have to find the fucker in the next week, else we’ll have number four,” Gage retorted.

“Oh, I’ll find the bastard, of that you can be certain,” Torin blurted, “and when I do, he’ll be damn lucky if I don’t kill him myself.”

“Careful, man, you don’t want to screw up. It ain’t worth getting the elites on you. Just do your job, turn him in and let them handle it.”

“She was a just a kid,” Torin said as he started the car and revved the motor.

Just a kid and I pledged a vow to protect them from this evil.

Speeding through traffic lights with the grisly murders swirling in his mind, Torin exhaled deeply. “What’s your take on this predator, Russian, German, perhaps a rogue sliding over from the United States?”

Gage shook his head. “I have no idea, but he’s nobody’s fool. He covers his kill with a blade to conceal his fangs, so he must be aware of the Council’s authority in this region.” He combed his golden locks with his fingers, glancing out the window. “It’s almost like he’s saying, I know this is your territory, so I won’t give it away that I’m an Iridescent, but fuck you, I’m feeding on your population anyway.” He exhaled. “Whew! Makes me sick. Let’s hope that he’s just passing through, that would be best and save you hours with the Siruns, getting your ass chewed off if he kills again.”

“Yeah, he knows what he’s doing, but he got a little careless, there were fang marks from her pussy to her ass.”

“No one will notice.” Gage sighed. “They’ll think it was the instrument he used to cut her throat.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Torin said taking a sharp left, “damn cunning he is, but I have a sneaking suspicion he’s not just passing through. I think he intends to stay a while,” he said, braking for a semi-truck making a wide turn. “He likes it here, lots of pretty Chippewa females…no threat as long he can keep his identity hidden. Only problem is he’s messing with fire and he’s gonna get burned.”

Gage sighed. “So, what’s your report to the precinct gonna say?”

“Same as the one Jon Moyle wrote up. Rape and torture, a sadistic, cannibalistic predator. The only difference in our reports will be my conclusion that he’s now a serial killer.”

“When do you report to the Council?”

“Tomorrow night and it won’t be pretty.”

“What are you going to tell them?”

“That we have a rogue Iridescent, feeding, raping and slaughtering young females. Oh, and a promise.”

“A promise. Of what?”

“That I’ll catch the bastard and protect my brethren.”

“Now you’re talking, that’s exactly what they want to hear. Protect their identity, hell it doesn’t matter how many die, as long as the Council is not implicated.”

“Yeah, but it’s wrong, Gage, and you know it. It should be that the Council protects the Chippewa, hell, everyone for that matter.”

Silence settled upon them.

“You know that there’s not a damn thing we can to do to change the elites. You do realize that, don’t you?” Gage asked.

“I hear you.”

“Good, I just don’t want you to go off halfcocked and get yourself killed.”

Torin sighed.

“There is another way to fix all the problems.” Gage smiled. “Become a Sirun, and take over.”

“Hell no! That’s not who I am.”

“Why not? You could possibly change things for the better.”

“I don’t crave power,” Torin snapped, “I just want a fucking world where our kind can coexist with mortals.”
