Page 141 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“Yes, Antonio, I understand but you and Milos can turn invisible,” Torin said, meeting his gaze in the rear-view mirror. “The two of you can hide, undetected at her side to protect her.”

“And what of you, Torin?” Milos queried. “What is your part in all this?”

“Just to find my woman and get her to safety.”

“Ahhh, a woman,” he laughed. “Seems there’s always one at the heart of every battle. You get a taste of ’em and they set you on fire…hmm. Now I understand the constant flow of adrenaline surging your veins, Mancini.”

Torin was about to respond but before he could speak Anna chimed in. “And she’s pregnant with his child.”

“Which is criminal under Council law since Torin didn’t petition for Donja as his consort,” Antonio remarked.

“The plot thickens,” Milos grinned, boyishly. “Someone’s in deep shit.”

“Yes, I messed up,” Torin mumbled, “but getting her pregnant may be the only thing to save her from a life with Scarface.”

“Regardless of all that,” she’s my granddaughter,” Anna declared, “and I don’t care what happens to me, gentlemen. Just save her. Please. That’s all I ask.”

Milos spun to face Anna. “You are a brave woman, Anna. I promise that I will have my Affiliates keep his army busy, and hopefully Torin can rescue the girl.” He cocked his head to Antonio. “By the way, how large is his army?”

“I suspect a thousand, he has close ties with Africa and Mexico. It will be a tough battle, but one we can win.”

Battle Stations

Twelve hours after passing the city of Whitehorse, the suburban pulled into a hollowed-out gravel pit long since abandoned. They exited the vehicles as Affiliates unloaded weapon caches from the Suburbans. Torin took a long-curved sword. “It’s too heavy, I’ll use my own thank you.”

“I have my favorite as well,” Milos said, joining his side. He raised a pearl-handled, three-foot blade over his head and bellowed, “Have no mercy and take no prisoners.”

From the shadowed terrain, Affiliates who had been patiently awaiting their arrival, topped a rocky ledge, streaking toward them.

Milos, Torin and Antonio walked among them. “Two and a half thousand Iridescents under one command,” Milos boasted, “the largest army our people have ever assembled. No power on Earth will be able to stand against such a force.”

Antonio preached battle plans. Then with the night sky submitting to dawn’s early light, they set out amid a thick, rolling fog. They ran for hours scrambling past mountains and rocky outcroppings as the sun, cloaked in a duvet of silver clouds, rose in the sky. In a gorge along the banks of the Yukon River, they swept over the rocky terrain, Anna, riding on Antonio’s back, and Torin, didn’t fail to notice the budding chemistry between them.

Hours later they emerged from the river and plowed forward. Glimpsing the log mansion which was furtively concealed by tendrils of creeping fog, Torin held up his hand to halt the progression. “This is it,” he whispered, Antonio and Milos at his side. He swallowed hard against the lump in his throat and took a breath heady with moisture. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins and he gripped his sword tightly.

Anna slid from Antonio’s back. Her body ached from the trip. “Don’t forget, gentlemen,” she whispered as if fearful of being heard. “Save Donja. No matter what happens to me, save her.”

Torin turned to her and they shared a look. She reached out and grasped his arm. “If things go wrong and for whatever reason I’m not around, be good to her, Torin. Love her and keep her safe, forever. Tell her I love her.”

Torin by no will of his own, pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “I promise,” he whispered.

“And you will live to see his promise fulfilled,” Antonio whispered.

Anna pulled back from Torin and faced off with Antonio. “I pray you’re right, but just remember,” she said with tears glistening in her eyes, “Donja first. Promise me, Antonio.”

“I promise,” he said, but please, no more tears. You’re killing me.”

Milos laughed. “You know,” he said, “it has always amazed me that as Iridescents we are all powerful, no man can strike fear in our hearts and yet, a single tear from a tiny female who possesses our hearts, can drop us to our knees.”

A great silence cloaked the entire throng, Iridescents dropping their heads.

“Well,” Milos smiled, “we had best get moving. I can smell his Affiliates which means he can smell ours as well.”

“Val,” Torin said. “Take five hundred men to circle from the left. Send five hundred to the right. Our main force will take the center. Once we engage the enemy, flank them and let’s end this quickly. If anyone gets a hand on Donja, try to get her and Anna out of here as fast as possible.” He cocked his head to Milos. “Time to see how tough your Affiliates are, my friend. You, me, Antonio and your men, go straight up the middle and face the bastard head on.”

Milos growled. “Bring it on!” He raised a clenched fist to the air, thick blonde mane flying. “No mercy!” he wailed as his Affiliates followed suit, fists to the air.

They set out, shoulder to shoulder, hearts pumping adrenaline. The fog swirled, vision hampered. Suddenly, within the churning haze, screams penetrated the air and the dead fell. Torin stepped forward amid a surge of Affiliates, blades swinging. A sudden bloody mist colored the fog, bones cracking, skulls crushed, decapitated heads rolling.
