Page 150 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“I’m thinking we send Iridescents to take out his chopper so that he can’t escape.”

“Agreed,” Antonio breathed, his chest heaving.

“And while that’s happening,” Torin added, “Larkspur, Milos and I are going for Miguel.”

“I agree,” Milos said with a wicked grin playing on his face. “We all meet back here afterward and force this bastard to the Circle of Fire.”

“All in agreement?” Antonio asked, eyeing the Siruns from France and Germany.”

They both nodded agreement.

Antonio turned back to Torin and Milos. “Don’t be a hero, just get in, nab Miguel and get the hell back here, with your heads intact.”

Torin, Larkspur and Milos turned to leave.

“Oh,” Antonio said, “protect Larkspur with your life. I need her to lure Garret.”

Larkspur sighed. “You give me too much credit, Antonio. Garret doesn’t love me, he only used me to become a Sirun.”

“I beg to differ, the bastard watches you with intent, I’m not blind,” Antonio said.

“Only because I’m his possession, he’s not capable of love.”

“You’re wrong. He cares, he’s just a ruthless bastard who’s used to getting his way. He’ll come for you, my dear, I’m counting on it.”

Death’s Embrace

Navigating a jagged rock bed which paralleled the Yukon River, Milos, followed by Torin and Larkspur, hugged the rocky walls, stealing past sentries posted hundreds of feet above. Back winds dispersed their scent, their passage undetected. Finding the docks where motor craft, jet skis and a party barge were docked, Larkspur pointed out a hidden ascension cut into the rocky wall. About fifty feet over the river, they found an alcove cut into solid rock. Just past a narrow passage they entered a cave. Torin heaved a breath, the earthy scent of wet dirt, limestone and sulfur wafting. He morphed to Iridescent, his green eyes illuming a swath through the dark. They cautiously eased through twists and turns, the ceaseless drip of water from stalagmites resounding. They spooked a brood of bats which took flight. Eventually, they came upon a small cavern where steel doors set in concrete occupied a wall. Milos ran his hands over the cold, damp exterior some twenty inches thick. “Damn, talk about security.”

“It’s impenetrable,” Torin said.

“Not quite,” Larkspur whispered. Moving to the left of the door, she slid her tiny fingers over the chiseled stone walls until she found a jagged section. “Here,” she said. “Remove this stone.”

Torin gripped the stone, the size of a footlocker and it slid from the wall, revealing an electronic key pad.

Larkspur leaned in beside him, her face silhouetted in shadows as she stretched her arm to the screen. Her fingers flew over the digits.

The door clicked.

Milos grabbed the iron handle and pulled, muscles bulging as the door slowly inched open. A blast of warm air, as well as the glare of fluorescent light hit their faces.

Just inside, Milos pulled the door tight and he and Torin, side by side, swords drawn, inched forward.

“Wait,” Larkspur whispered, “the right hallway leads to the elevator so take the left side, but you must be careful. It’s guarded by hidden infra-red scanners. Take to the ceiling, there’s a thin space in which you can pass undetected. When you reach a door on the right, you’re safe from the scanners, but it’s locked. You need to get inside that room, it houses the electrical grid. Disarm the scanners and the elevator. You’ll find a red master switch on a grid behind the door. Disconnect it and the cells will open automatically.

“Cells?” Torin whispered.

“Yes, Garret’s prison and a small torture chamber he uses for disloyal Affiliates. Just be careful,” she admonished. “Once you disable the master switch and the cells open, it signals an alarm. Be ready for the guards.”

“You stay here,” Torin said, “and if we don’t come back, run, find your way back to Antonio and finish this.”

In the hallway, Milos leapt to the ceiling and like a spider on its web, inched forward. Torin followed behind, eyes wary, his hearing keen. Past the scanners they dropped to the floor with a soft thud. They listened to the silence. Milos winked, and they inched forward. Finding the door, Torin fumbled with the lock until finally it broke free in his hand and he swung the door wide. Electrical wires and metal boxes occupied one wall. They disabled the elevator, ripping cords from the connections and then finding the grid labeled ‘Cellblock,’ Torin flipped the switch which snapped, followed by a soft buzzing alarm. They rushed out of the room and were met by three Iridescents, two with swords, the third with a double-barreled shotgun which he raised, aimed and fired.

Torin felt the lead balls penetrate his chest. The force slammed him to the wall. He growled his misery, but before he could recover, the Affiliate was upon him, fist swinging. Blood flew from Torin’s mouth. Dazed, he felt the Affiliate’s hands around his neck. Gasping, with a paralytic force sapping his strength, Torin looked over the shoulder of his attacker and saw Milos engage the swordsmen, their heads flying. Torin could feel his heartbeat slowing, his lower extremities numb.

Something in the bullets…damn, I’m paralyzed!

Torin glanced up and saw Milos ease up behind the Affiliate. Milos swung his blade, the Affiliate’s head flying. Milos kicked the body away then sliced his own wrist and offered the dripping nourishment to Torin. Torin fed on him like a starving beast, then leaned upon the wall. Recovery came quickly and he rose to his feet.
