Page 151 of Chasing the Red Queen

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“Thank you,” Torin wheezed. “What the hell was that?”

“Hollow tip slugs filled with tranquilizer,” Milos said, sniffing the air. “Might I suggest you become a Sirun?”

“Yeah,” Torin said, stretching his arms.

They moved past the corpses and discovered a large room with a wall of cells. Torin faltered, his spiritless feet frozen in place.

“Can you believe this shit?” Milos said, as cell doors swung wide and twenty or more Asian boys, some as young as six or seven emerged.

“I had heard of Garret’s affinity for the blood of little boys, but I never suspected this,” Torin sighed.

“It’s who Garret is,” Larkspur said as she strode the hallway, stepping past the dead Affiliates. She walked ahead of them and they followed. Just beyond the boys they discovered a young man, perhaps thirty.

“Miguel,” she said. “Come, hurry, we must get you out of here.”

He moved toward her, lean and athletic with rumpled black hair and effeminate facial features. His cheekbones were chiseled and beneath his sculptured brows were dark, slanted eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked. “You’ll get me killed.”

“No, we’re saving you, Miguel,” Larkspur said, “hopefully you and Zaroc both.”

Racing for the exit, with the young boys in pursuit, Milos angled a look to Torin. “You take Larkspur, I’ll take pretty boy. We can put these kids in the party barge and they can float down river to safety.”

“Good idea,” Torin nodded.


Cold winds plagued the land and low-lying clouds which were ghostly white, blocked the sun. Antonio took a stance in the silver twilight, facing the Siruns and Midewiwins. “Damn cold,” he complained, arms folded over his chest, trying to mask his concern.

Damn it, Torin, get back here!

Fearing the worst, he paced relentlessly. “I think the temperature’s dropping,” he grumbled, gust whipping his hair.

“Must be an artic front moving in from Alaska,” someone remarked.

“Yeah, well let’s hope it doesn’t snow,” Antonio replied eyeballing the sky. He glanced north, hoping to see Milos and Torin but seeing nothing, heaved his chest.

Damn, I knew this was a bad idea.

Now skeptical of their return he straightened his posture, shoulders tight to address the group. “Listen up! Garret’s aware of our presence by now, so I think it best that we get the fire circle going.” Affiliates!” he shouted. We need you on high alert, and once they attack, engage his army so that we can lure Garret and Zaroc. Any questions?”

“No, let’s do this!” Gage shouted as two thousand others raised their balled fists defiantly.

“Incoming!” a scout shouted.

Antonio spun to the ridgeline that spanned the river. He focused on Milos with a dark-haired male on his back. He held his breath, then exhaled as Torin, carrying Larkspur, topped the bluff, cutting the distance between them.

“You were successful,” Antonio gushed, relief evident in his voice.

“Yes, Torin said, but we disabled their electrical, so they are aware of our presence. We must act quickly.”

“Get them tied up,” Antonio ordered.

Milos spun to Miguel who protested loudly. Undeterred, Milos who seemed to enjoy his deed, bound him in leather.

I wonder how your blood would taste, pretty boy.

Torin tied Larkspur’s wrist behind her back. “Is that too tight?” he asked. She turned her head toward him. “No, it needs to be realistic. Perhaps a little blood on me and Miguel would be even more convincing,” she said, “set Garret and Zaroc on edge.”

“That’s just what I was thinking,” Milos said. “Rub dirt on her face to look like bruising, then feed on her and smear blood on her lips and neck. I’ll do the same for pretty boy,” he grinned eyeing Miguel up and down. “I’m rather intrigued by the eyes and lips of a woman on a male body.”
