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“I can see that,” Donja replied with a forced a smile, but truth of the matter, she felt out of place. Rubbing noses with the rich, especially snobby rich left her queasy.

“You’re a vamp,” Heather said without looking. “Act the part.”

“She will,” Makayla said, jumping to her defense. “I’m her shield, right Donja?” she said as they shared a look.

“Yes,” Donja exhaled with a smile, despite Heather’s ‘better than though attitude,’ which left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Inside the thick wooden doors with two hulking bouncers positioned on both sides, a doorman who looked like a figurine in a wax museum blocked entry. Dressed in a black, three-piece suit, he checked Makayla’s I.D. and then it looked like he took her hand though Donja couldn’t be sure. Makayla moved on a safe distance and Donja stepped forward and met his piercing gaze which seemed to look straight through her.

“I.D.,” he said with eyes that didn’t blink.

Donja gave him her license as a red light scanned her head to toe.

“You’re not rostered,” he said.

“She’s with me, number 208572,” Makayla screamed over the stentorian blast of music. “She’s good.”

The doorman glanced to a computer screen then handed Donja her license. He grasped her left hand and before she could blink, pressed a wet, rubber stamp firm to her skin, midway of the knuckles and wrist. Moving forward while he checked Heather, Donja raised her hand and saw a red female eye with long thick lashes.

Makayla leaned in to her ear. “It’s to verify age.”

“What?” she asked leaning closer, the music so loud she couldn’t hear her own voice.

“They scan each customer for age and store it on a computer register.”

“No way!”

“Way,” she smiled, it’s all done by infra-red scanners. Like I said, this is an exclusive club. Heather’s father got us in the first time by way of his business associates from Alaska. Oil men, big bucks.”

So, Heather’s lived her whole life in money. Poor girl, that’s probably why she’s uppity.

Heather joined them, eyes on the crowd. “It also scans if you’re a virgin, so that any male who might find you acceptable can make a move on you, get you pregnant and leave you high and dry.”

“Heather, please.” Makayla frowned.

“Sorry,” Heather said with downcast eyes, “guess I’m in bitch mode. Comes with the raging hormones I’m sure.”

“No, I think you’re hurting,” Makayla contradicted.

“Sorry that you have to see this side of me, Donja,” Heather said leaning into her ear. “I guess I am…hurting that is.”

“What does roster mean?” Donja asked to change the subject.

“Just your club number and the stamps are for ordering drinks,” Makayla answered.

“You mean alcohol?”

“Yeah. If your stamped eye is red, no alcohol, blue you’re good to go.”

“Let’s find a table,” Makayla shouted and led the way.

Donja followed behind with the music from the D.J., who was seated in an open cubicle, ten feet off the floor vibrating in her chest. She scanned the room, which was unlike anything she had ever seen, and it occurred to her that this was indeed a different world, an obvious playground for the rich.

Moving in the tightly packed disco where men sipped drinks, with beautiful girls in tow, Donja noticed the bar which was ornately sculptured, stained black and topped with gold countertops. The intricately designed bar stools, occupied by single girls were packed to capacity. Track lights behind the bar reflected upon glass shelves stocked with crystal steins and every liquor known to man.

Finding a table next to carpeted stairs leading to a raised seating section with fancy red leather half-moon booths, Donja climbed up onto one of three bar stools which must have been four feet tall and sat her purse on the round glass table. “There’s a booth on the upper floor that’s empty,” Donja said pointing to the raised section.

Makayla took her seat and crossed her legs, strobe lights reflecting off her red mini. “That’s a V.I.P. section!” she said leaning across the table to be heard over the music. “Those people are so damn rich they could buy and sell Heather’s father ten times over and he’s a millionaire. Get my drift…we can’t sit up there!”
