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She would never forget all the hearts he’d broken over the years. Luke had his share of female admirers, even if he was too clueless to notice it.

In college there were a few girls who made their interest so plain that even Luke picked up on their flirting. Not that he flirted back.

When the poor, besotted ladies confessed their interest, Luke usually responded with a soft-spoken rejection and a polite ticket out of his social orbit.

Luke Zhang didn’t do ‘feelings’. So the fact that he’d come clean with her made Ashanti almost giddy.

She fastened her hoop earrings, her hand rattling so much that she missed the hole in her ear lobe five times. At last, she got the clasp right and let out a relieved breath.

“It’s just Luke. You don’t need to be nervous,” she instructed her reflection.

With a nod, Ashanti moved from the mirror and grabbed her strappy heels. She’d chosen a grey knit sweater and a tight blue skirt for tonight. Since she didn’t know where Luke was taking her, she wanted to be prepared for anything.

Ashanti finished tying up her shoes and checked the clock on the wall. Strange. Luke was fifteen minutes late.

That was unlike him. Luke had an unhealthy obsession with being on time for everything. It was the main source of their fights in college. Luke didn’t understand what it meant to be ‘fashionably late’ and resented her for showing up whenever she felt like it.

Ashanti strode to the living room where she’d tossed her phone after Luke called to ask her out. She picked it up, curious to see if he’d left any messages to warn her he’d be late.

There were none.

Ashanti was just about to call him and check up when there was a knock on the door. She sprang out of her seat as a wave of excitement drilled through her.

Though Ashanti wanted to rush the door, she forced herself to walk regally and turn the knob like a sane human being.

Luke stood on her porch, his hair messy and a stain on his shirt—the shirt he’d been wearing earlier today. Her gaze swept down to his khakis and worn running shoes.

A waft of disappointment threaded around her veins, but Ashanti smiled anyway. “Wow. I’m overdressed.”

“No. You look perfect.” He gasped, his face red. “Really. You look great.”

She tilted her head. “Luke, why are you out of breath? Did you run here?”

“What? I’m not… out of… breath.” He barked out a laugh and then thrust a bouquet at her. “These are for you.”

Ashanti blinked and accepted the flowers from him. “They’re gorgeous. Thank you.”

He slipped his hands into his pockets and nodded, avoiding her eyes.

Ashanti scrunched her nose, puzzled by his behavior. “Uh, do you want to come in while I put these in water?”

“Sure.” Luke shuffled past her and Ashanti caught the scent of alcohol and perfume. She wrapped a hand on his shoulder and leaned in to sniff. Luke stiffened. “What are you doing?”

“Why do you smell like liquor? Did you go to a bar before you picked me up?”

“Bar? What bar?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

Luke’s gaze darted around the room. “I had to run a quick errand for a friend, but it wasn’t important.”

“O…kay.” She narrowed her eyes at him but when Luke offered no further information, she turned on her heels and disappeared into the kitchen.

That was weird. Luke was lying to her or, at the very least, withholding information. But why? They didn’t keep secrets from each other.

“Whatever,” Ashanti mumbled. She and Luke were just starting out. The last thing she wanted was to become one of those crazed, jealous girlfriends who investigated their boyfriend and was always suspicious.

Luke would never do anything to hurt her. She believed that.
