Page 65 of Be My Compass

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They flutter like leaves. Like birds.

“Brenna! Thank God!” I push my face into her neck. “You’re not allowed to leave me ever again.”

Brenna laughs. “The heck, woman? Get off me!”

I step back. “I kissed him.”


“I kissed Kastle!” I blurt.

The words echo in the air. Bounce around like wild bats on steroids.

I’ve been keeping that truth in since last night. Rolling it over and over in my mind. Replaying it in my dreams.

The sweetness of his lips would overtake me for a moment. I would giggle like a maniac as I recalled the way his fingers gripped my body. And then panic would set in and I’d jump to my feet, pacing every inch of my house until I wore a path in the ground.

The truth was kept prisoner in my soul for so long.

Desire was strapped to a bomb that I kept on a timer.

A timer that went off last night.

I kissed him.

I slap a hand over my mouth. “Now that I’ve said it, it sounds even worse.”

“Wait. Hold up.” Brenna stoops to pick up the papers that fell. Her knees push against her long, maxi skirt, stretching the grey fabric. She tosses a curl behind her ear. “Is this a prank? Because if it is, it’s a terrible one.”

“It’s true.”

She snorts. “You expect me to believe you had the guts to kiss Kastle?”

“He kissed me first.”

Her hands go still. “When?”

“Yesterday.” I plop on the ground, in the middle of the scattered papers, loose remnants of black history. “I kissed him yesterday.”



Brenna’s eyes widen as if she’s just hearing me. “On the lips?”


She falls in a heap next to me. “I left for one freaking day, Kaelyn.”

“I know.” I groan.

She grabs a fistful of her curly hair and pushes the mass up into a messy bun. “He was drunk?”


“It was intentional?”

“Sort of.”
