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I used to dream about tasting those lips and there they were, so close…

“Ehem.” Cobie thrusts both eyebrows high. “What do you want?”

Digging my fingers into my laptop bag, I shroud myself in professionalism and play off the fact that I just checked her out. “To talk.”

“We did that already. I politely kicked you out. Remember?” She tilts her head, her voice ringing with sarcasm and her lips curving down in a sign that I’ve tried her patience.

“You must not understand. We’re prepared to pay a lot for your product.”

“And you must not understand. I’m not selling.”

I glance over her shoulder, studying the salon set-up in the corner of the apartment. From our brief conversation, I gather she wasn’t aware of the competition. It’s understandable that the news hasn’t sunken in yet.

I need her to work with us.

This is more than worry about failing the first project I’ve headed at the company. Cobie looks like she can use the money. Why is she being so stubborn?

“If you’re concerned about losing the rights to your product, don’t be. We’re willing to work with you as well as give you the credit for the original recipe. I can’t guarantee that we can leave your name on the bottle, but I’ll see what I can do about the fine print—”

“That recipe is my family’s legacy. Do you think it has a price?” She tosses her head, a proud look in her eyes.

I step forward. She remains in place, her gaze blazing into mine without flinching or backing down. I’m annoyed, but I can’t help but admire her spunk.

Since I’ve had this new body, all the women I’ve met seem to fall back or flirt when I move near. There’s never been one who stared me right in the eyes like they want to fight.

“This is not an attempt to steal your family’s legacy.”

“My mother developed these hair products to help people in our community. I don’t know of any corporation who gives a flying butt crack about helping anything outside their own bank account.”

My lips twitch. “A flying what?”

“Cobie!” A voice cuts through the tension and draws both our gazes away.

An older woman with luminescent dark brown skin, a flared nose and wide, red-stained lips sashays toward us. Her long, floral skirt flips and dances with each step and she drags a teenager behind her.

Cobie lets out a frustrated breath. “That’s my next appointment.”

“Hello!” The woman smiles as she nears me. The air fills with the scent of spicy perfume. She stops and stares at my face. Her jaw drops. “Damn, boy. What soap opera did you escape from?”

Is that a compliment or an insult?

“Girl, this your new man?” Without missing a beat, the stranger wags a wrinkled finger in Cobie’s face. “Good for you. I’m sure you’ve been dry as the Sahara down there. You know what they say about the scrawny ones?” She winks and points to my pants. “It’s a lie. The muscled guys are the good time.”

Cobie cringes. “Ms. Shirley. Hi.” She checks her watch and, with the downward tilt of her head, brown curls feather her cheeks. “I didn’t expect you until later.”

“I know, but I’m taking care of my granddaughter for the week and I was hoping you could fit us both in.” She turns to me, dark eyes sparkling with mischief. “You sticking around, suga?”

“Me?” I point to my chest.

“He was just leaving.”

“Actually, you’re the most important meeting on my schedule. I don’t mind waiting so we can finish our conversation.” I look pointedly at Cobie. “If that’s okay with you?”

She smiles sweetly. “Of course.”

“Lovely. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a face like yours up close. Do you mind if I sit in your lap for a minute, suga? I just want to bounce around.”

Ew… lady…you’re old enough to be my grandma.
