Page 11 of Be My Wife

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Another moan tears out of my lips.

I’m totally screwed.



I push the doors of the restaurant open. Step in. Glance around. It’s an upscale place. Lots of varnished wood. Mirrors. Chandeliers. Somewhere I would have felt at home before…

I shake my head. Keep looking around.

Everyone is wearing tuxes. Fancy jewellery.

I’m woefully underdressed in my grey sweater and jeans.

At least I threw on a pair of Oxfords instead of my usual work boots.

That should be enough to indicate how serious I am about this meeting.

My conversation with Kayla Humes, the CEO of Make It Marriage and a personal friend of Lucas, runs through my mind.

“We don’t normally do this for clients, Brogan. It’s not good for our reputation. You’re lucky we have a client with a similar sense of urgency. She’s just asking for a date. The rest is up to you.”

I glance around, looking for a woman in a green dress as indicated by the text message I received from Kayla when she arranged the date early this morning.

The tagline of the dating agency is ‘character over appearance’. In other words, they don’t give out headshots to the potential matches.

In Kayla’s words, ‘we’re not a hook-up service. If looks is all you care about, download one of those apps where you swipe left’.

I assured her I wasn’t looking for a model. I’d had that already. Lana was extravagantly beautiful. Some of it was natural. Some of it makeup. The rest was… not important to me.

She enjoyed pampering herself and I footed the bill with a smile.

I just wanted her to be happy.

I thought I made her happy, blind dunce that I was.

But that’s all in the past now.

I’m looking forward to a different kind of future.

The air conditioning hits my skin.

I let my hands drop to my sides. Keep them out. In the open. If we’re married, she’ll see them often enough anyway. No sense hiding them like I did with that woman yesterday.

Her face comes to mind.

Tawny brown skin.

Small nose.

Expressive brown eyes.

Slim, elegant physique.

For some reason, I haven’t been able to get her cheerful smile out of my head. She got to me. In that tiny space of our introduction, she made a deep impression.

But I need to forget about it.
