Page 10 of Be My Wife

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Dang. I need to get Riley, the office secretary, to stop picking up her calls. Novah knows way too much about my schedule.

“I want my favorite cousin to help me pick out a wedding cake.”


She wants to rub my singleness in my face while she and her devoted fiancé make kissy faces and feed each other chocolate frosting.

Sounds like the worst time.

“I’m sorry. I can’t make it today.”

“That’s fine. I’ll just reschedule when you’re free.” She pauses. “You know… you’re welcome to bring that mystery man.”


“You can introduce him there rather than springing him on us at the wedding.”

I cringe.


Backstory. I may have told a teeny lie that started this whole ‘find a date via Make It Marriage Agency’ thing.

“I told you. My boyfriend is… busy.”

“Busy, right.” Novah smacks her lips. “Well, the offer’s open.”

“Thanks. I’ll consider it, but I’m more than likely coming alone.”

She sighs like I’m a wayward child. “Aren’t you tired of being alone, Liz? Someday, you’re going to choke on a chicken bone in that tiny pig sty you call an apartment and no one’s going to be there to help you.”

I open my car door more violently than I need to. “Thanks, cuz.”

“I’m just worried about you. Nobody believes you actually have someone to bring to the wedding and it’ll only be more embarrassing when the truth comes out—”

“You know what? I’ve changed my mind.”

What are you doing, Liz? An inner voice warns.

“I do have a boyfriend,” I continue, ignoring that voice. “And I’ll bring him to your cake tasting. So… just wait.”

Novah falls silent. I can picture her now, full cheeks bunched up beneath her eyes, red lips hanging open.

“See you then.”


I toss the phone into the passenger side.

Drop my head against the steering wheel.


Me and my big mouth.

This date has to go well tomorrow.

If it doesn’t…
