Page 38 of Be My Wife

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Now, I do have a screen protector.

Because Brogan bought it for me.

Because he thought enough of me to not only fix the screen but to go a step further. It’s a little, practical thing, but it meant so much more than him slapping down his credit card and announcing I could buy a fancy ring.

It just…

I thought it meant something.


I’m not asking for much.

I don’t want to fall in love with my husband, but can’t we at least be friends?

With a sigh, I roll over to my other side. Tuck my arm under my head. Try to get comfortable beneath the sheets.

I’m being ridiculous.

I barely know this man, now all of a sudden I care what he thinks about me and crave a relationship?

“Get yourself together, Liz,” I murmur to the darkness.

It’s just the romance of the wedding. The social conditioning attached with what a marriage should be and look like.

The truth is… nothing’s changed now that we’ve signed the papers.

We’re still the same people.

We live the same lives.

We’re just… a documented couple for the government to file away.

I sigh.

Set the phone down.

Squeeze my eyes shut.

My thoughts are driving me crazy.

I need sleep.

Hopefully everything will make sense in the morning.

The next day, I get up. Shower. Lotion my ashy brown skin. My hair is in desperate need of moisture, but I’m too lazy to deep condition, so I just spray some water and let it rock the frizzy afro it wants to.

Brogan and I are meeting for the cake tasting around one o’clock, so I spend a good half-hour trying on different outfits before I settle on one—a long-sleeved white blouse and a pair of pink, wide-bottom pants.

It’s simple. Chic. Feminine.

After slipping on my pink, triangle-toed pumps and a light summer jacket, I’m ready to head out the door.

On the drive to work, I debate calling Brogan.

Just to remind him about our meeting.

I hold myself back. He already promised he’d be there and I don’t want to seem overbearing.
