Page 37 of Be My Wife

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I shudder when I think of how distant Brogan had become out of nowhere. All I did was show him the ring and there was this immediate and vivid wall that shot up between us. Like a guillotine falling. Sharp. Unforgiving.

Those blue eyes had turned stormy.

That square jaw flexed.

It was like he became a different person.

One who didn’t want to acknowledge my presence at all.

Despite my desperate attempts, we didn’t talk on the flight back. He barely looked at me as he walked me back to my car that was parked in the airport.

We exchanged, maybe two words, about where we’d meet up for the cake tasting tomorrow.

And then he left.

No calls.

No text.


Which is fine.


He’s been perfectly clear about what this marriage is.

But, I don’t know…

I thought we were leaning towards becoming sort-of friends.

At least pleasant acquaintances.

Something like soldiers in the same war, maybe?

He fixed my phone for me.

He saw a problem and he took care of it.

Why treat me so coldly only to turn around and do something so warm?

I never asked him to.

I won’t ask him to.

I don’t expect him to fulfill any roles as a husband, provider or anything else.

I’ve been taking care of myself for all these years, and I’m perfectly fine continuing as is. He’s the one who went out of his way.

I sit up.

Grab my phone off the nightstand. Hold it above me.

The screen is beautiful. Flawless. As perfect as the day I bought it.

I swipe my thumb over the glass protector.

Dad was always getting on me to safeguard my device with a better case and glass protector. I’m given to clumsiness, especially when it comes to my phone, but I was too busy to do it before. It always slipped my mind, replaced with bigger, more important matters.
