Page 103 of Revolt

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I was very specific about downtime. Tours are incredible but exhausting, and so far with my career, I have done back-to-back shows with travel between. Last time, it made me so tired, I was sick, which meant I couldn’t properly perform for my fans. That’s not something I want. I will still be doing one hundred and eight USA tour dates and a minimum of forty international, but I have time between to enjoy my life and ensure my health is top notch.

Scanning the sheet, I smile and glance up at her. “What’s your position, Ms. Winchester?”

“I’m William’s assistant.”

Interesting. I look at my manager. “You’re fired. I want her.”

Her eyes widen, as does his as he sputters. He might have guided me since the moment I stepped foot in here, but he’s stuck in his ways and he undermines me at every opportunity. I like her. She shows initiative, and she also took my wants and made them real without altering them for their own gain. She’s fresh and new and clearly hungry.

She reminds me of . . . well, me.

“Miss Harrow,” William begins.

“No, I don’t want to hear it.” I look at him. “You may help train her, but we all know you wanted to take more of a step back.” I soften my voice. “I appreciate everything you have done for me, I do, and I appreciate your thoughts and help. I would still like you on my team but overseeing from a distance. If you still want to be in this world, then this is how you do it. Pass it on to the next generation. She is the future, William, and if you can’t see that, then there is something wrong here.”

I see the pain in his eyes. He knows I’m right.

“How about this?” I suggest. “You two both work on the tour and album and you can train her, and if you think she isn’t the right fit after, we’ll relook at it then.”

He nods and glances at her. “I see her talent. You’re correct about that.” He grins. “When I met her, I knew you would get along and I still hired her.”

Winchester smiles and turns to me, mouthing, “Thank you.”

I shake my head. She did this for herself with her hard work. She doesn’t need to thank me.

“I like this layout,” I tell her. “Can I keep this copy?”

“Of course. I will also send a package of everything to your house to check over. I’ll include my contact information with it in case you need any changes. I’m reachable day or night,” she says.

“Good, then let’s go ahead. I’m assuming we have contacted my dancers.”

She nods once more. “We have confirmation from all but two, whom I will chase down this morning. They were all very grateful and thankful that you are trusting them again with your tour.”

“Good, seems we’re all set.” I stand, and as I pass her, I lean in. “Word of advice? Don’t kill yourself for the job, no matter how much you love it. Go outside every now and again and enjoy the world or it will pass you by. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t.” I glance up at my men. “You’ll miss all the good.”

She peers up at me.

“You’ll figure it out. Thanks for all the hard work. You’re going to go far.” I sweep from the room, more excited than ever for what’s to come. This is my year, and I plan to make the most of it. I want to give back to the fans who stuck with me through everything . . . and maybe make rock history.


“How much time do you have before the party?” Astro asks, leaning into the doorframe of my bathroom where I’m floating in the huge spa tub. My toes and nails are freshly done and dry, my body is waxed all over, and I have a mask in my hair and another on my face. Still, he looks at me like I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.

Raff Jr. hurries over to him and smashes his nose into Astro’s junk before hurrying to play with the others.

Grinning, I poke in the bubbles, stretching my legs out as I turn my head and rest it on the side to peer at him. “Depends on what you have in mind.”

“You, always you, baby,” he teases, stripping off his shirt and dropping it to the floor. My mouth goes dry as my eyes drop to his impressive chest. Smirking, he waits for me to check him out, and then he pushes his pants down and steps out of them, stripping for me. He lets me check out every hard inch of his body before he struts over and slips into the bath with me.

My legs float on either side of his waist as his hand lingers above my chest in the water. He’s waiting for permission.

I smirk. “It’s a good thing our fur baby left. We wouldn’t want to scar him.”

“Now that he’s gone, I can do bad things to you,” he teases, his lips hovering above mine. “Say yes, Reign. Tell me to fuck me.”

I make him wait, torturing both of us as his eyes narrow. “I don’t know . . .” I hesitate before laughing when he kisses me.

He huffs. “Don’t be mean.”
