Page 93 of Revolt

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“Oh?” I reply softly, unsure what to say.

“They have never brought anyone here. They treat this like their home, and each one is my son, yet I’ve never seen them with anyone. Ever.” Unsure what to say, I swallow, meeting her eyes. “I won’t ask, since it’s clear you don’t want me to, but know this—those boys never would have brought you here if they didn’t love you. It’s clear you feel the same way. Just please don’t hurt them, okay?”

“I don’t want to,” I murmur.

“Good.” She pats my hand. “Look at this one. This was on Christmas—”

I listen to her stories from when Astro was a kid until Raffiel returns, his face thunderous. “What is it?” I whisper, a bad feeling blooming inside me.

His mom takes my hand, holding it tight. Raff wipes his expression clean, but it’s too late. “Raffiel,” I demand.

“There are no prints that match the one who broke in, which means they aren’t in the system, and the cameras caught nothing.”

“So they will just get away with it?” I whisper.

“No, not at all. We’ll find them, I promise. The police are on high alert now, and we will be extra careful.”

“What if they come back?” I ask as he crouches before me.

“Whoever it is won’t get within thirty feet of you without my gun aimed at his head. I promise, baby.” We both freeze at the slip, but Gloria just pats Raff’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about me, I understand.”

He winces but nods, looking at me. “We will keep you safe, Reign. Do you trust me?”

I search his gaze. “Yes, I trust you.”

“Good, then we’ll spend the long weekend here then go back. Don’t let one nut drive you from your house and life. You have done amazingly well, Reign, and you have more left to do. You worry about the revolution you are creating, and we will worry about this. Deal?”



Iexcuse myself after, leaving Raff to talk to Gloria as I go to hunt Astro down. I’m starting to feel bad about how embarrassed he was. It was nice to see him lose some of that cockiness, but after his mom mentioned his mental health, I don’t want him to think my opinion of him has changed. After searching the main house, I head outside, spotting Astro’s dad working through the open door in a workshop. Curious, I move closer as he bobs his head to country music while he works on what seems to be an old muscle car.

“Morning,” I call.

He clutches his chest as he spins. “Wow, girl, you are quiet.”

“Sorry,” I reply sheepishly.

Laughing, he wipes his face with a rag. “Don’t worry about it. Morning, love, did you sleep okay?” His eyes sparkle knowingly, and I look away.

“Yes, great, thank you. Have you seen Astro at all?” I cock my head.

“Ah, the boy’s probably off in the forest. He usually runs in the morning.” He wipes his hands as he watches me. “Why?”

“Oh, I just wanted to talk,” I reply hesitantly.

“Uh-huh. Can I ask you something, Reign?” He stands, leaning on the metal door. “Do you love my son?”

My eyes widen in panic, and he grins.

“Okay, how about, do you care for my son?”

“A lot,” I respond without missing a beat.

He seems to sag in relief. “Thank fuck. Sorry, you’re hard to read and I can tell my boy is smitten. He might seem strong, but he wears his heart on his sleeve, and I would hate for him to get hurt.”
