Page 94 of Revolt

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“The last thing I want to do is hurt him,” I say truthfully. “He means a great deal to me, but he’s stronger than you think. Truly, he is. I don’t think I would have managed the madness that is my life without him. He always makes me laugh, even when I don’t want to.”

“He’s good at that, always was, the class clown, but beneath that smile is the truth. He’s good at diverting attention away with a joke but never talking about if he’s okay. Just please don’t hurt him. You’re a nice girl, I can tell, and the others think the world of you, you wouldn’t be here otherwise, but please don’t hurt my son.”

“I promise I won’t,” I respond. “He’s lucky to have you.”

“Oh, um . . .” He rubs his neck self-consciously. “I don’t know about that.”

“He is. He has parents who love him enough to protect him and want nothing but the best for him. That is something special, and he’s very lucky. I would have done anything to have my parents love me half as much as you love your son and daughter.”

He eyes me sadly, and I wince when I realize I revealed too much. It’s my turn to duck my head in embarrassment, and I start to slide away. “Right, well, I better go find him. Thanks.”

“Reign?” he calls, and I stop. “Your parents are fools. That isn’t on you. It isn’t your fault they didn’t love you like they should have.” He takes a deep breath. “And if you want, there will always be a place for you here. You’ve noticed we kind of adopt everyone, and that includes you. I’m not saying we won’t be overbearing, and you’ll regret the day you said yes. We’ll call you when you are sick way too many times, we’ll check on you way too frequently and criticize your decisions, but we will love you with everything we have.”

“Why?” I ask, tears in my eyes. “All because I care for your son?”

“No, because you deserve it. You deserve to be loved, Reign. You deserve a family. My boys wouldn’t have brought you here if they didn’t think so. I love them, and no matter what, you’re one of us now, kid.” He kisses my head softly. “No matter where that road of fame takes you, we will be here.” Squeezing my shoulder, he steps back. “Go find him, he’s probably waiting for you. Just don’t be too late for breakfast or they’ll send out a search party.” He whistles as he strolls back in, bending over the car once more like he didn’t just heal some fractures in my heart.

Swallowing my tears, I turn away and head into the forest, searching for Astro. Now, more than ever, I want to make sure he’s okay. I need to see him.

His family’s laughter chases me into the brightness of nature, a welcoming sound that unlocks the tightness in my body and becomes the sound of safety and home.

“Astro?” I call as I duck under branches and carefully climb over roots. I’m not made for forests, not anymore, but as a kid, I used to spend hours playing under the trees with my brother. We would build whole worlds there, and as I smile up at the sun, I remember those good days now, not just the bad ones.

It’s been so long since I thought of his laughter and smile that when Astro pops out, I almost scream, lost in my memories. “Shit, you scared me,” I hiss, covering my racing heart.

Chuckling, he heads my way. “You were looking for me, baby?”

“Yeah, are you okay?” I ask softly.

He freezes, his eyes going to the house. “They told you?” He seems cold, and his face shuts down.

“Your mother just told me that you hide the same pain I have under all your humor. They are worried I’m going to hurt you.”

He brings his eyes back to me, swallowing hard. “And now that you know,” he whispers, “will you hurt me?”

I hate the distance between us so I cover it quickly. He steps back, hitting a tree, but I don’t let him go farther, plastering myself to his front. “Never,” I answer truthfully as I search his gaze. “I care about you a lot, Astro. I can’t say the words to explain how much, which is ironic for me, I know, but I do. This changes nothing. In fact, it makes me think more highly of you. You’re always so funny, so happy, Astro, but knowing you struggled and still struggle and fight every day to be that way . . . I’m in awe of you, you brilliant, kind, strong man,” I murmur, sliding my hands up to his shoulders. “I’m glad they told me, and I’ll never be more grateful for the day I met you. Don’t you know that you changed my life? I was closed off and on a spiraling path to revenge. You saved me, all of you did, and if you let me, I’ll save you every day. You’ll never struggle alone again. Just let me, baby.”

“Reign.” He swallows hard, closing his eyes for a moment. “I hate the darkness inside me, so every day, I chose light. I chose laughter and love, but from the moment I met you, I chose you. You are what keeps me alive. You are what keeps me fighting. Maybe it’s too soon, but I can’t help it. I met your eyes and I knew I was lost. I don’t believe in true love, Reign, but I believe in you.”

“I thought I was supposed to be the one who’s good with words,” I reply, smiling, “yet you all leave me breathless and speechless for the first time ever. I don’t even know how to put what I feel when I’m around you into lyrics.” Grabbing his hand, I place it over my heart. “Know I’m right here with you. The moment you walked into my house, you changed the trajectory of my life, and I can’t be anything but thankful for that.”

“No more words.” He covers my lips. I place my hand over his racing heart, feeling it beat in time with mine. Our two melodies are in sync, creating something magnificent.

Our lips meet in a flurry for what we feel when we are together. We’ve searched our whole lives for this, and I find it in his kiss, in his touch, in his presence. I’m not ever going to give this up. It makes a mockery of everyone who came before and they cease to exist. There is only Astro and his touch.

Groaning, he grabs me and turns us until my back hits the tree. His knee presses between my legs, and I grind down on it. “Baby,” he murmurs, nipping my lip. “I need you.”

“I need you too, so fucking badly,” I admit.

He grabs my shirt and hikes it up, his tongue darting out to lick his lips while his bright eyes darken with lust. “Panties off, Reign, I want them in my pocket when we go back there.”

Under his watchful gaze, I shimmy down my leggings and panties and hand them over. He meets my eyes and, with a wicked grin, licks the length of my panties with a moan. Shuddering, I lean back and part my legs, feeling my desire on my thighs.

One promising look from any of them and I’m wet.

It’s annoying but great in this situation, since I need him too much to wait. He tries to drop to his knees, but I drag him back to my lips as he stuffs my panties into his pocket. “I need you fast and hard. Make me come, Astro. Show me how much you want me. Show me we are still alive despite everything this world has thrown at us.”


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