Page 40 of His to Possess

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She darted a glance over her shoulder at her fiancé. “Zane wants to start a family.”

As if on cue, Zane Sadler noticed my entrance. He was well aware I didn’t like him. When he walked closer, I could see bruises on his knuckles.

“Did he hit you?” I hissed.

Celia narrowed her eyes, glancing from me toward Zane. “Don’t be silly. He was trying to do me a favor and hammered his hand. Jesus. Let it go. I know you don’t like him, but damn it.”

“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. Still, I was ready to yank out my sisterly claws when our father cleared his throat, immediately drawing almost everyone’s attention.

My father tapped his crystal flute with one of his very expensive rollerball pens, his eyes burning a hole into me. “Excuse me. Ladies.”

Zane stopped in his tracks like the good boy my father was grooming him to be.

Celia took me by the hand, yanking me in the direction of Zane. I’d done my homework on the man but now I knew I had to keep a watchful eye on him. If he’d touched my sister in any manner, I’d have no issue cutting off his hands. I smirked at the thought as Zane gave me a respectful nod.

The guy was handsome and perfect for the family fold—Harvard educated, captain of the lacrosse team, and an all-around athlete. He was a basic Colgate commercial in the making. Maybe he’d become the son my father always wanted. Or maybe he’d spar with Tyler. At least the two of them might be able to keep my father out of my hair. What did bother me was that Zane seemed too perfect, as if he was hiding a terrible lie.

Stop being a cop for once.

That wasn’t going to happen. I only half paid attention to my father’s pontificating speech, congratulating his special little girl on her accomplishment. Since when did marriage become a business achievement?

After the round of clapping and good wishes, the crowd broke up almost immediately, no doubt heading for the massive bar display that had been set up. I waited in the sunroom until my father walked out, likely headed to his office for yet additional business before lunch.

He’d been the kind of father to work eighteen-hour days, missing dance recitals and school functions. To his credit, he’d gone from barely making a living to becoming a multimillionaire. Sadly, he’d never learned that money didn’t buy happiness.

“You’re sitting beside me at lunch,” Celia said in a teasing voice. “We can make fun of the other guests.”

I couldn’t help but smile, remembering how often we’d gotten in trouble for doing that very thing over the years. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“You garnered the attention of Daddy’s sexy employee,” Celia whispered in my ear.

“I thought you were engaged,” I admonished, watching as Tyler approached.

“Marriage doesn’t mean I’m dead, you know. I’ll leave you two alone. He’s very nice so please don’t bite his head off.” She walked away before I could grab her even though she knew I was terrible with small talk.

“Very funny,” I said between clenched teeth.

Tyler studied me intently as he walked closer, finally holding out his hand. “Kathleen Kelly. I’ve heard a great deal about you from your father. I’m Tyler Ridgefield.”

The moment I shook his hand, I felt a rise of heat in my system. “I’m certain you have. I hope you find working with my father… enjoyable.” I had the distinct feeling he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I’d prided myself on being a keen observer.

He offered a genuine laugh, his eyes lighting up. “Your dad is formidable, I’ll give him that, but I enjoy a challenge, much like what I’ve heard you are.”

Why did I have the feeling he’d been directed to talk with me? My hackles raised, I took a decided step away from him. “I’m the kind of woman who doesn’t play games very well, something that you should keep in mind. I do hope you enjoy the party. I need to have a chat with my father before lunch.”

“Of course. I hope we’ll have a chance to talk again.”

His grin would be considered boyish, charming by others. I could see right through him. “I’m certain we will.” Huffing, I finished off my champagne, placing the glass on one of the side tables and heading down the hallway toward my father’s office. The door was cracked and I could tell he was already on the phone.

I knocked once before walking inside, closing the door behind me with a hard thud.

He swung around, as if prepared for a fight. There was such coldness in his eyes, but this time not because of my interruption or anything I was wearing he deemed inappropriate. I could tell that whoever he was on the phone with had riled him completely. He motioned me in and turned his back toward me. “No, goddamn it!”

My father rarely lost his cool.

I noticed an easel near his bookcase and walked closer. The architectural drawings were exquisite, truly exceptional and no doubt his latest project. I stole a glance in his direction, concerned just how tense he seemed to be.

“I’ll have to call you back,” he stated gruffly, rubbing his eyes when he couldn’t immediately disconnect the phone. “No, this is my daughter’s engagement party. I will call you when I’m available.” He slammed down the desk phone, lifting the receiver once again as if ready to smash it against the base unit. After gently placing it down, he grabbed his drink from the desk and when he took a swig, I noticed his hand was shaking.
