Page 52 of His to Possess

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Another shiver trickled down my spine.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

This time, the loud noise was enough so the wineglass went down, shattering in dozens of pieces. I hissed as I yanked for the files, slicing my hand with a shard in the process. “Damn it!” No one came to my door unannounced. The truth was that other than a select group of people, no one knew where I lived. I preferred my privacy and I’d learned a long time ago that my profession kept me in harm’s way.

I tossed the files to the side, clenching my fists as a trickle of blood oozed down my hand. Only after yanking the Beretta into my hands did I head toward the front door, my breath ragged as I glanced through the peephole.


“What are you doing here?” I turned on the light, shrinking away from the door. What in the hell was I afraid of?

“I needed to see you. Please let me in, Kathleen.”

I heard the change in his tone. Gone was the arrogant, self-possessed man from before. He had actual concern in his voice. Something must have happened. I unlocked the door, realizing the moment I opened it that my hand was half covered in blood, remnants now clinging to my front door.

His gaze immediately fell to the discoloration and within seconds, he’d pushed his way in, slamming the door behind him. When he yanked me closer, cupping the side of my face, I remained in shock at his chivalrous actions.

“What happened? Did someone hurt you?” he demanded, his fingers digging into my skin.

“Whoa,” I huffed, doing everything I could to push back from him. “I’m fine and it was an accident. You can let me go.” Even though I was holding my weapon, seeing the Glock positioned in a well-worn sidearm holster under his arm gave me the chills.

“The blood.” While he took a step away, he took my hand into his, examining the cut then turning his hard glare toward my weapon. “It’s deep. Where’s your kitchen?”

“Um…” I glanced at the clean slice, shocked to see there was still a sliver of glass imbedded in one of my fingers.

“Where. Is. Your. Kitchen?” his voice boomed as his eyes darted back and forth across my face. “The piece of glass is just about to cut through an artery. I don’t think you’d like to see that happening.”

“Around the corner.” I finagled until I was able to shove the gun back into my jeans, loathing the fact he was forced to help me in any manner. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

He didn’t bother turning on a light before moving directly to the sink, jerking the water faucet. “Just stay still.”

I studied him as he addressed the cut, picking away at the glass with his fingers.

In the dark.

I could swear his eyes were almost luminescent, glowing in the dark. Just like they had before. “Ouch!”

“Almost. Just stay still!” he commanded, throwing me a look that I knew was stern.

“Yes, sir.”

My words brought a slight chuckle. When he seemed satisfied, he grabbed one of my kitchen towels, wrapping it around my hand. “I think you’ll be fine, although if you have some antiseptic, that would be good to use.”

“Fine.” I reached around him, turning on the light over the sink. There was such intensity in him, such an incredible energy and there was no doubt he’d been worried about me. “Honestly, nothing happened.”

“Good.” He took several deep breaths before slamming his hands on the counter. “You just had to ignore my request. Didn’t you?”

“I… Look, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. You should know that.” I took a deep breath, realizing instantly that he was wearing the most seductive cologne. Every part of me tingled at the realization. Was he trying to seduce me again? I bit my lower lip as a stupid moan threatened to give me away.


God, the man was demanding in every manner. “Just say it, Max. Whatever you think of me, just tell me. Trust me, I can take it.”

I took a step away, cognizant that his cologne was far too intoxicating. Everything about this man was overpowering, yet in such a desirable manner. I was almost breathless, my nipples aroused and aching. He ran his hands through his hair and the move seemed so damn intimate, forcing me to gaze up and down the length of his body. Damn, he looked good tonight dressed in all black, the tight jeans highlighting exactly why God made man in the first place.

“Infuriating. Pushy. Spiteful.” He hesitated, shaking his head. “Intoxicating. You need to learn to trust me, Kathleen. The last thing I want to happen is for anyone to hurt you.”

“I… I need to be able to trust you, Max. I want that more than anything, but you have to trust me as well.”
