Page 58 of His to Possess

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“I have access to some national sites that I doubt the Denver Police Department is connected to.”

“Be my guest.”

When he hesitated, I took the opportunity to move away. Apparently, he didn’t feel he could trust me just yet. I moved back to the couch, grabbing my glass of wine.

“What else are you thinking?”

“The original M.E. was pulled off the case.”

Max turned his head, studying me. “That bothers you.”

“Yeah, along with the fact she’s trying to steer the investigation toward Roselake, convinced that the people there having something to do with the murders.”

“She said that?” he demanded, shaking his head.

“It was her insinuations, not what she said, but I have to believe someone must have overheard our conversation. It’s too odd that a woman of science would suddenly put any credence in wolves.”

He typed on the keyboard and I could see the wheels turning in his mind. “Let’s think what we have regarding this case. We have attacks that were obviously calculated.”

“Yes, even the killer having some kind of a conscience.”

“I was dragged into this case with you out of the blue, the original M.E. pulled off,” he continued.

“Don’t you think that’s a little odd? Granted, it’s an election year, but I find that far too coincidental and I don’t believe in coincidences.”

“I agree with you. This receipt. Where was it found again?” he asked.

“Supposedly in the victim’s mouth, as if he wanted someone to find it, leading law enforcement to his killer.”

“I know the place, a small restaurant on the outskirts of Roselake. I also know that what she described couldn’t have happened.”

I moved to the edge of the couch, leaning over. “Tell me why.”

“Because they use an old style of cash register where the tape is imprinted with actual ink.” He shot me a look.

“Fuck. His saliva would have dissolved the ink. Jesus. What are we dealing with?”

He hit enter and eased back, moving back toward the coffee table, grabbing the glass of whiskey I’d poured him. “You’re right. We’re being steered toward Roselake for some reason.”

“That’s crazy. Why? What’s so important about the little city? The land?”

The expression on his face was pensive. He was still holding out on me. “It’s valuable but for what reason?” he asked. “To expand Denver? A casino?”

“I…” I sighed, wondering if I might have an idea. “I can make a few calls in the morning and see if I can find out what developments are in the process with the Denver city council. Approval is needed before any development can move past the initial planning stages.”

“Sounds like a subject you know all about.”

“Enough to know that the names of those involved will be evident on the legal documents.” I eased off the couch, walking toward the window and leaning against it. The entire case had been rigged, more than one person hiding something.

“That sounds reasonable and could provide a few new leads. However, we keep what we talk about to ourselves. It doesn’t go into the report. Got it?”

“You want people to think we’re following the leads we’re being given.” I sighed, peering outside into the darkness.

“Exactly. If there is a conspiracy of some kind, we need time to know who we can trust and who’s involved,” he said in his usual dominating manner.

This time, I knew he was right. We were being used and I would go through hell and back to find out by whom and why. He took a sip of his drink and I could tell he was studying me intently. He’d seemed so disturbed after we’d… made love. So distant for a time, at least after he’d left me. It had taken his cock a full ten minutes, maybe longer to go soft. I’d never known a man like him.

In any regard.
