Page 62 of His to Possess

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When he walked into another room, I crossed my legs on the couch, chilled to the bone. Nothing was going to keep me warm at this point. The fire was mesmerizing, the bright orange flames licking at the thick pieces of wood. I was surprised just how comfortable I felt, even though there were far too many questions racing in the back of my mind.

Max returned, handing me a glass and sitting down in the oversized chair across from me. He remained on the edge of his seat and for some crazy reason, I couldn’t stop staring at his chest, the open and torn shirt a reminder of our passion. I forced myself to look away, fearful that the desire would return.

“You saw something outside of my house. Didn’t you?” I asked, my tone more accusatory than I’d wanted.

“Nothing that matters.”

“Why do you keep doing that? Why? You want me to trust you so damn desperately, yet you treat me as if whatever detail you’re going to tell me about yourself will turn me away or worse.”

“Maybe it will.”

Huffing, I snapped my head in his direction. “Are you so dead set against keeping everyone at arm’s length?”

He swirled the drink before taking a gulp. I wasn’t a damn patient woman and watching the almost contrite expression crossing his face pissed me off once again.

“What the hell are you hiding? And I know you are,” I hissed between clenched teeth.

“You know very little, Kathleen.”

I shifted forward, leaning over and attempting to grab his full attention. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m a damn good observer of people. I know that whatever reason you didn’t want me to know that this little town is where you’re from is bothering the hell out of you. I also know that you didn’t just happen on that park where I was. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say you were there to find me. Why? That I don’t know, but I will figure it out. I also gather that you have a rather interesting past that prevents you from getting close to people.”

He took another sip of his drink, holding the liquid in his mouth. The fucker was hiding behind a glass of whiskey in an effort to avoid talking to me. I couldn’t understand what was so important that he had to hide from everyone, including himself.

I studied the amber liquid in the glass, my stomach churning. “Fine. I realize that you’re not going to talk to me and while that pisses me off, what does it really matter? You are dead set on protecting me, so that’s fine. You got me here.” I was ready to slam the thick tumbler down onto the table. Instead, I gently placed it on the beautifully carved wooden design, admiring the inlay before yanking back my hand. “I actually do like you very much, Max, and for some crazy reason, I know we’re connected. I can’t explain it, but I know you feel that way too.”

I hesitated, hoping he’d say anything, but as usual, he remained his sullen self, simply staring at the fire.

I jerked to my feet, rolling my eyes. “As I expected. A whole lot of nothing. What bedroom am I staying in?”

He took yet another sip before bothering to answer me. “Second door on the right. There are fresh towels in the guest bathroom. Help yourself.”

I was absolutely floored at the macho arrogance of the man. I skirted around the coffee table, my legs just as heavy as they’d been before. The moment I was on the landing to the stairs, I swayed back and forth, just as nauseous as I’d been a couple of nights before. “I told you before that trust goes both ways, but it’s earned, not forced. We all have demons, Max. God knows I do, but I’m not foolish enough to keep them all inside. They will eat you alive. From what I can tell, you’re a good man and one I’d like to get to know. But you have secrets you refuse to tell me. Don’t you?”

Tick. Tock.

The silence was deafening.

“Let me in, Max. Whatever you have to tell me won’t frighten me. I’m tougher than I look. I want…” For a brief second I could see the same gorgeous eyes that had drawn me in, pulling me into the most incredible moments of passion. Then they changed. I blinked several times, a slight moan slipping from my mouth.

Max quickly looked away, snarling under his breath. He could never trust me with whatever he’d been harboring inside for so long. Whatever it was had pushed almost everyone out of his life.

“And I know in my heart that you’re never going to let me in,” I half whispered. “What a shame. What a real… shame.” As I walked up the stairs, my heart was heavier than it had been in a long time.

And I honestly had no idea why.






Fuck. All the requirements of a good relationship. I huffed at the thought, taking another swig of my drink. The bourbon had aged, much like I had, although my age wasn’t relevant to anything or anyone, my lifespan almost twice that of a human. I’d lived long enough that at some point questions would begin to be asked why I wasn’t aging.

I’d seen the way she’d looked at me, the longing to just let go, but only if I shared with her something that she wasn’t ready to hear. How do you tell someone that you are the beast meant for horror stories and nightmares?
