Page 74 of His to Possess

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“And we are sanctioned to turn?” the first female asked with a lilt in her voice, almost joy.

I blinked several times, trying to process what the hell I was hearing.

The rumbling sound coming from Max wasn’t human. It couldn’t be. I was sickened, floored, and uncertain of what I was facing.

“This is our right and a necessity,” Max growled.

“Then it begins. We hunt.” Stone issued another howl and everyone who was in the group did the same.

The sound was unnerving, sending a wave of nausea into my system. I crept closer, my entire body shaking. Even the gun felt slippery in my hands. There was no way I could see anything but in the next few seconds, I heard sounds.



Cracking sounds that were unearthly, like twisting bone and… Horrified, I was paralyzed, unable to will myself to get the hell away. The terrifying noises continued, cries of anguish floating into the night. I bit back a scream, the beating of my own heart echoing in my ears. What was happening?

One minute passed.



Then silence.

And howls. Dozens of savage howls surrounded me, no longer human but something else entirely.

My actions were no longer my own, adrenaline taking over. I hadn’t realized I’d turned on the flashlight until I swung the beam in the direction of the group. What I saw couldn’t be explained.

Or denied.


There were dozens of wolves, their luminescent eyes shimmering. I was mesmerized, if only for a few seconds, the sight of them a dream. It had to be. Only they weren’t simply wolves, their massive bodies far more dangerous in appearance than any wolf I’d ever seen.

My presence was immediately detected, every single beast snarling as they snapped their heads in the direction of the light.

The spell was broken and I took off running, racing through the woods with only the thought of survival in my mind. I could no longer feel my legs and the pulse rushing throughout my body keeping me racing forward. I ran faster than I ever had in my life, jumping over limbs and fighting my way through thick underbrush.

I had to get to the truck.

I had to get the fuck away from here.

All I could think about was what my grandmother had told me. For a few seconds, I had to fight laughter from floating free from my lips. This was crazy.

There was no way of knowing whether they were following me, no ominous sounds, nasty snarls, or creatures nipping at my heels. The moment I broke free from the trees, I could just see the truck up ahead.

You can do it. You can do… it.

As shock began to settle in, I finally made it to the driver’s door, fumbling for only a second before being able to jump inside. I immediately locked the door, trying desperately to start the engine. As I flipped on the headlights, I could see their eyes. They’d made it to the edge of the forest. They’d chased me. They were going to…

I couldn’t finish the thought, finally slamming the gear into drive and taking off. I had to be imagining things. I had to be losing my mind. Bile remained in my throat as I hunkered over the steering wheel, pressing down on the accelerator until I was going in excess of sixty miles per hour.



Please. Please let me get out of here!
