Page 81 of His to Possess

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A taste of the woman I loved.

* * *

Kathleen didn’t try to argue when I took her back to my cabin, but she refused to discuss either the case or anything about the pack. However, I would never forget the haunted look on her face when she remained on the porch, her grip on the railing firm. I’d lost her to my arrogance and inability to share any truths.

I’d spent my life attempting to shove aside who I was, refusing to accept that I’d been born into a place of what so many called honor. Wolves were fearful creatures, capable of killing without conscience. At least that’s what the majority of humans believed. Even the growing group of hunters who believed in the concept of werewolves refused to acknowledge any good in our kind. I’d had to learn the hard way that I was very proud to be a Wolfen.

She was well aware two members of the pack had been stationed just outside the cabin. With no access to a vehicle, she wasn’t brazen enough to try to get away on her own.

Besides, the wolves would be able to track her easily.

“If she gives you any trouble, call me,” I said to one of the men.

“Don’t worry, Max. She won’t be going anywhere.”

I nodded, taking another glance at the cabin before heading off.

I’d called both Stone and Gregor to meet me at my father’s. I had to believe he knew more than he’d been willing to tell me before. If these attacks were really about greed, then my father should have an inkling who on the outside could be trusted.

The town was much quieter than normal as I drove through, news having traveled fast. Wolves also protected their own, preparing for a possible onslaught of law enforcement. We didn’t need questions being asked or probes into our city. That would only result in fingers being pointed or possibly worse. What concerned me the most was the moment the press got ahold of the news regarding the recent murder.

I was the first one to pull into my father’s driveway, but both Gregor and Stone were seconds behind. It had been one hell of a night, the morning giving none of us comfort. With our inability to gather any important details, everyone would be on edge even more. What kind of wolf could mask their scent?

Stone approached first, scanning the perimeter of my father’s ranch as if uncertain why he’d been called to the meeting. What my father had always told me was that in order to be an excellent leader, one had to believe in those he worked with, trusting them implicitly. I suddenly knew exactly what he meant. In order for the Wolfen to move into the future, it would take a different form of leadership, one that provided additional skills.

And respect.

“Any new information?” Stone asked.

“Nothing that helps us hunt down the bastard,” I answered. “How is the mood of the people in the village?”

“As you might imagine, concerned but willing to help. At least at this point.” He allowed the statement to linger. “However, if you fuck with us, you’ll have me to answer to,” Stone hissed then broke into a grin, moving to give me a bear hug. “I was worried the other day you came into the shop. You’ve changed one hell of a lot.”

“So have you, my friend.”

“You ever find Brody?”

“Not my case any longer.” I laughed, shaking my head.

“He’s a chump. They’ll find him,” Stone chortled.

Gregor cleared his throat on purpose as he swaggered toward us. “While I understand reminiscing, I don’t think we have time for conversation. What the hell are we going to do with this?” His aggressive tone was understood. Now that blood had tainted our city, the scent likely awakening certain hungers, a plan of containment and control was absolutely necessary.

Additional rogue wolves we didn’t need.

“We talk with my father. There are answers here.” I glanced from one to the other. I could sense their hesitation, even disbelief. “We have no choice but to prepare for war if necessary.”

“You truly believe this wolf is that dangerous?” Gregor asked.

“Without a doubt. If he’s working with unscrupulous humans, his hunger for domination is just the beginning.” I truly believed what I was saying. My thoughts drifted to Kathleen. I would be forced to grill her later in order to find out whatever secret she was harboring. She might be under my protection, but she would soon learn that she would follow my rules.

For now.

“We also have no way of knowing how many other wolves might follow his lead,” Stone offered. “There are rumors that another pack has descended on Denver, laying a trap of sorts.”

I snapped my head in his direction. “When did you know this?” My demand was harsh. I moved to within a few inches of him, snarling. “When?”

“Only this morning, Max. I wouldn’t keep something like that from you.” Stone bristled, clenching his fists. Even in the past, we’d sparred on several occasions, his need for leadership a natural born tendency. I couldn’t accept anyone fighting my authority at this point.
