Page 83 of His to Possess

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Creatures so powerful, they are feared above all others. Predators whose hunger knows no bounds.

The Wolfen.

The very start of the book was engaging and powerful, yet my rational mind refused to believe, no matter the stories told by my grandmother.

But you’ve been nauseated for a few days, hungrier than normal, although you can’t eat. You feel hot to the touch constantly.

I snorted as my little voice rattled off inside my head. I was an intellectual woman who’d spent years training to learn special skills, including sorting through lines of bullshit.

But what if the legend is true?

I glared out the window at the two men who were guarding me, both wearing side holsters and both acting like soldiers in the trenches, preparing for a war. I dealt with facts, not fiction and right now, we had another murder to solve.

As if we were actually getting any closer to figuring out the killer.

My conversation with the captain had been terse, his anger evident, questioning where the hell I’d been. I hadn’t given him an answer. When he’d barked that the press was hounding the department, I’d simply pulled the phone away from my ear. What the hell was I supposed to tell him?

At least Max had a friend expediting the latest victim’s identity. I would never forget the haunting look in her eyes, the stare of terror remaining even after she had slipped into death. Shuddering, I rubbed my arms and walked toward the computer. There was no way of knowing how fast this source would work, but since I’d been given access to Max’s email, I would watch it very carefully.

I moved toward the computer, feeling some level of guilt for not telling Max my suspicions. They were almost as difficult to buy as the crap Max had spewed off.


I had to find the truth before I went about possibly ruining the lives of people I’d once trusted. Sadly, if my instincts were correct, and they usually were, then I’d been lied to for years. Or maybe the person responsible was merely in over their head. I rubbed my eyes and sat down in front of the computer, my hands still shaking from the horrific find. I couldn’t seem to dig my way out of the fog surrounding my mind, or my heart for that matter.

For all the strong feelings I had for Max, were any of them true? I bit back a laugh as I hit the spacebar. If I even considered the possibility that our relationship was contrived from an ancient belief held by this Wolfen group, then being his mate had drawn us together.


Fucking bullshit.

Yet I couldn’t deny the strong attraction, more like the same ravenous need I suddenly felt for food. I hungered for him, desired him in an insatiable manner. My skin prickled at the thought of him alone.

His touch.

His kiss.

His thick cock riding me hard.

“Fuck. Fuck!” No amount of exclamation or antics was going to get me out of this. I had to figure out what was going on and who was really behind the murders. Then the rest might come. An actual laugh escaped my lips. I doubted I would ever learn the real truth. I had to believe the people of Roselake were the kind of cult that Lois had mentioned. Maybe she was one of the good guys after all.

But you know what you witnessed.


I moved back to the names of the first three victims. They had to be connected. Maybe I hadn’t valued my life or my family enough. I realized that every family held secrets, mine included, but I did love my parents and especially my sister. I wanted to continue living my life as a human, not as some monstrous beast merely refraining from eating people. Granted, that part was still a myth. Right? They merely turned into a wolf to protect their friends and… family.

“What the hell are you thinking, Kelly?” My fingers continued to shake as I made a promise to myself that whatever the ultimate truth was, I’d face the aftermath with the same dignity and honor as I always had.

Then I’d crawl into my bed with a gallon of ice cream and several bottles of wine.

Sighing, I maneuvered to a fresh internet page, typing in a few important key words. When I pulled up the website, my stomach churned. I couldn’t be right. I just couldn’t.

I shifted through the first two pages when I noticed a new email had come in—Max’s email. The moment I pulled up the screen, I was both impressed as hell and terrified at the outcome. Max’s connections were definitely more impressive than mine.

I hesitated for a full minute before opening the email. It was now or never. The fingerprints were one hundred percent conclusive. Now I knew exactly why I remembered the girl’s face. I’d met her before, albeit only once. Max had been right. The murder was a warning but if I had to guess, it had nothing to do with the Wolfen.

I grabbed my cell phone, realizing I had little charge left. What I was planning was risky on several levels and possibly impossible, but one way or the other, I was going to find out the truth.
