Page 88 of His to Possess

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“There is a legend regarding the eagle that you haven’t heard,” he said quietly, his eyes searching the heavens.

“What is that?”

“For every eagle that crosses the path of a truly righteous man, another year of his life will be protected. But if two eagles pass, then one soul had reached an end, the other ready to soar.” He turned his head ever so slowly in my direction just as two of the most beautiful eagles flew out of the trees, their wings spread wide. The bright rays of sun created a glow around them, the most incredible sight I’d witnessed in some time.

However, the weight on my heart was crushing. “Father. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What good would that have done? You are your own man and you had to find your way back home. I believe you have. Do not shed a tear for me, son, for it is my time. I have lived a long and prosperous life. I have loved and had the love of two very important people. Now I want to go home, to be with my wife.”

I gripped his arm, trying to keep my emotions at bay. “When?”

He smiled, lifting his arm as the eagles disappeared. “When the eagles find a resting spot.”

Another moment of quiet settled between us.

“You gave me the ancient book for a reason.”

“Yes. Within the sacred book you will find all the answers you seek. For honor. For integrity. For leadership. If only you open your heart and your mind.”

Sighing, I tried to figure out what to say. “The burial ground. That’s the very reason this land is so valuable.”

“Very good.” My father’s face seemed to glow.

“If this land belongs to another pack, they will have the power, perhaps this ancient pack rumored to be in the area.”

“Aw, but is that the truth?” He tipped his head in my direction.

I laughed. The stories told were just that, incorrect details that the elders knew would be told to other packs to keep our enemies at bay. It had worked for thousands of years. “Any pack who attempts to claim the right of the Wolfen will be destroyed.”

His eyes twinkled. “But if they are aided by another species and not of canine blood, the sacred ground unearthed, then what will happen?”

“I don’t know.”

“Think, my son. You were taught this as a child. Along with being given the gift of sight, you were allowed the truest gift of all.”

“Knowledge,” I whispered. I’d been groomed for this my entire life.


I rubbed my eyes, struggling to remember. I watched as a single eagle circled again, hovering close. I was shaking from the understanding. “Then they can gain the power to destroy the Wolfen, becoming the supreme leader.”

He turned and in those few moments as the eagle soared toward the heavens, his face seemed gilded with gold. “Then you must not allow that to happen.”

“But how can I stop it?”

“You have already begun. You fought for what you believed in and found what you needed. You asked me if humans can mate with Wolfen. My answer was not entirely correct. You must find the answer and you must remember what you were taught as a boy. The key is your knowledge, my son.”

As he walked away, I was stunned, trying to figure out his cryptic message. What I did know was that whoever this rogue wolf was had to be stopped. This wasn’t about starting a war, but creating another wave of peace as an elimination of an enemy. In order to be a leader, I had to promulgate peace, also protecting humans.

I fell against the railing, realizing that my father was even wiser than I’d realized. The riddle regarding a mate I wasn’t entirely certain of, but I did know it had everything to do with Kathleen. I took another look at the sky, marveling in the beauty of nature. While the eagle circled one last time, I tipped my head out of respect. I knew I’d see him again one day.

Choices. The ultimate power of our community, our pack was having the ability to choose. And my choice was life as a human, not as a predator.

The moment I was ready to walk back inside, the door was flung open, Gregor’s face pensive. “She’s gone. Kathleen has disappeared.”

* * *

I let out a primal howl as I stormed into my cabin, tossing almost everything in the room in my anger. Her scent was still in the room, but there was no sign of her. I rushed upstairs, searching her room then mine. When I noticed the dresser drawer was slightly open, I yanked it the rest of the way out. She must have seen the pictures. Maybe she thought I was lying about the girl I’d once cared about.
