Page 92 of His to Possess

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I’d tried for so many years to push aside who and what I was. As the sun began to dip along the tree line, highlighting the glorious beasts, I knew my wolf would always be a guiding spirit, a part of me. I kicked out, thrusting him down, standing over him as I bared my teeth, releasing a battle cry.

Tyler responded, rolling to the right, raking me with his claws, his growl as intense as mine. Within seconds, I lunged, propelling him against a tree, knocking the wind out of him.

He refused to be defeated, roaring as he thrust his body in my direction, landing several punches into my kidneys and jaw. My anger swelled and I lashed out, the hard blow catching him just under the chin. Once again, he was tossed onto the ground, his breathing ragged.

I moved closed, wiping blood from my mouth before dropping to my knees, wrapping my hand around his neck. I lowered my head, snarling. Time to finish this.

The carnage and near war hadn’t been about perceived noble revenge for the past or fear for his people. Tyler had broken the trust of his pack as well as what was left of his humanity and for that, I sentenced him to death.

As I bit down on his skin, twisting and turning my head, visions of Kathleen were a reminder of the man inside, the passion and joy I’d shared with her. Then there was blackness.


As if she was gone.

The rumble of the earth wasn’t brought on by another swarm of wolves, but an explosion entirely manmade in nature. As I swung my head in the direction of the garage, flames licked into the air, the entire building erupting from a fire meant to destroy my life.

And my future.

And as I threw my head back, the cry of desperation and pain was no longer wolf but entirely man.

Her lover.

Her master.

Her protector.

Her wolf.







I knew all three well, far too much so. I also knew something else that had become my friend.


The damn liquor tasted better today than it had in some time. I’d been responsible for the avoidance of a war, but in my mind, that was little comfort. I wanted nothing more than to drown my sorrows in a damn bottle of booze.

I dropped my head, closing my eyes.

“Come here, little pet,” I growled, pointing to the floor.

Kathleen dropped onto all fours, purring as she crawled forward, her eyes never leaving mine. “What do you hunger for?”

“From you? Everything. Every. Damn. Thing. Including your full submission.” As she wrapped her hand around my cock, I threw my head back, howling into the wind.

“Yes, sir.”

“Fuck,” I snarled, slamming my fist against the railing. The fantasy was bittersweet.
