Page 98 of His to Possess

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“It’s time,” Gregor said as he moved beside me, barely able to look in my direction.

“I know.” I took a deep whiff of the air, the day chillier than normal, the blanket of white exactly what my father had loved about living in Denver.

I walked into the clearing, shifting my gaze to the crowd of wolves that were in attendance in honor of my father’s life. Wolfen and Nightwalkers, Lycans and other packs had come together in respect of a higher being, a man who’d fought to keep our kind civilized. I could feel the strength of my mother, her hand on my shoulder as I walked closer. This was his favorite place on the mountain he so adored, the very spot where he’d married my mother so many years before.

While there was great sadness at my father’s passing, I took comfort in the fact he’d spend his eternal years by her side.

Just as I would with the woman I adored.

Kathleen’s acceptance of our kind had eased a burden, removing the ache from my heart. I’d vowed to protect and love her until the end of our days, and I would keep that promise, no matter what I had to do.

There was still no knowledge of exactly where the ancient burial grounds were, but one day I’d find them and I had a feeling the great book would lead me to the exact spot.

As I walked closer to the cradle of birch, hand woven by several of our wolves, I was in awe of the artistry and care taken to send my father on his way. I sensed her presence, my sweet Kathleen, waiting in the closest group of Wolfen, giving me space as I once thought I needed. This time, I required her strength and her love as I fully accepted the future. I held out my hand, waiting until she grasped my fingers.

Together, we walked closer. I kissed her hand before letting it go, turning slowly in a full circle and giving my respect to the thousands of wolves. When I finally faced the altar once again, tears slipped down my face.

A quiet hum began from the back of the group, shifting forward as if in a gentle wave. As the wolves lowered their heads in reverence, I placed my hand on my father’s heart and said the words he’d muttered at the passing of my mother.

“From the darkness you shall be lifted to the light. From the ashes of hell, you shall be set free.” The rumble of the wolves increased, the husky vibrations soon becoming thunderous. “And as the eagle soars, you will never be forgotten. My father.” The moment I placed my hand on the torch, I stood in honor as the wolves began to transform, leaving their human bodies for the freedom of their true selves. I shifted the torch under the altar of twigs, igniting the pallet. My father was free.

And in that moment, I was proud to be a Wolfen.

An alpha.

A leader.

A lover.

And soon to be a husband.

May there be light, honesty, and integrity for our future…

For we are the Wolfen.

The End
