Page 3 of His to Claim

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Fucking her.

Mating with her.

She stood in the middle of her perfectly organized, pristine condo located in a highly secured building, every piece of furniture matching, pictures placed neatly in a row. There were even fresh flowers in a high dollar crystal vase located in the middle of a dining room table that likely cost more than my beloved and damaged Harley.

She hadn’t turned on a light. I could tell she preferred the darkness so as not to stain her sophisticated life with the likes of me.

But I could smell her intense arousal as well as I was able to see every square inch of her, my wolf dangerously close to the surface. I remained near the door, drinking in not only her French perfume but the intoxicating scent of her sweet pussy, her juice likely to leave a stain on her expensive suit. Well, perhaps I’d need to take care of the pleasurable action for her.

But only after she was punished for her sins.

“Remove your clothes,” I said, the husky tone more like a growl.

The nervous tic in the corner of her mouth continued and she swayed back and forth, the pulse in her neck driving me absolutely crazy. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her succulent lips before biting down on her skin.

However, I couldn’t leave a blemish. Rules of the Wolfen. Tonight, I would come precariously close to breaking at least one of them and enjoy every moment of doing so.

Thou will not change into Wolfen form unless your life or the life of others in the pack is threatened.

Thou will not turn a human for any reason.

Thou will not mate with a human.

Thou will not kill a human for any reason.

There were countless others, all requiring memorization by every wolf. I almost laughed at the thought. Fuck that.

I would take her as mine.

I would keep her.

I would taste her.

I would own her.

The electromagnetic sensations were a powerful draw, boiling my blood.

“What?” Vanessa asked, obviously startled at my command.

I took two long strides in her direction. “If I need to ask you again, your penance will be much worse. Undress. You ran a red light. You crashed into my vehicle. I think you are well aware that you deserve severe punishment.”

“But you know I didn’t mean to. I was… distracted.” She said the words provocatively, as if her seductive tone would get her out of the hard spanking she was going to receive.

I’d been waiting for eight years to smack her rounded bottom. The moment was perfect.

I allowed her to hear an exaggerated sigh, remaining in my position with my eyes pinned on her.

“You don’t own me, Stone. You never did,” she stated, the rebellious woman I remembered returning.

“I can certainly call the police if you’d prefer. I know several law enforcement officers who wouldn’t take kindly to the fact you left the scene of an accident.”

“You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”

I chuckled softly, enjoying the way her eyes flashed even in the darkness. “Are you so certain about that?”

She studied me for a full minute, obviously debating whether to believe me.

The electricity had sparked between us the moment I’d ripped off my helmet, ready to light into the idiot who’d run the red light. Then I’d seen her face, her incredible green eyes staring back at me and I’d almost lost my shit. The blonde highlights of her copper-colored hair had shimmered in the late afternoon sun, accentuating her flawless skin and pouty mouth. Just like I’d remembered.
