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If I had any doubt my sister was getting married, seeing her in her wedding dress erased it. Still, it wasn’t too late to talk her out of it.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. “You just got out of a relationship a minute ago and you’re already getting married?”

I uncrossed my arms and gestured to indicate our surroundings. We were in the women’s restroom of a bar in a town I’d never heard of until literally four days ago. That was when my sister sent me a nine-one-one text that read Call me now.

“Nice to see you again too,” Zoey said, clutching handfuls of her generous skirt on either side of her body. But there was no change in the huge smile on her face. “I’ve met the man of my dreams. I’m in love.”

Love. Zoey had thought she was in love with Scott, the man she’d lived with for a couple of years. He was a total douchebag. But I never dared to tell her that. Not until she dumped him for being a controlling prick.

“Did you just get into town?” Zoey asked.

I nodded. “Checked in and came straight here. Don’t you think you should get to know him a little better?”

Unless I missed something, she couldn’t have known the guy more than a few weeks. Did she really plan to leave Roanoke to live in some tiny mountain town in East Tennessee?

“When you know, you know,” Zoey said. “Now get into your dress. They’re already waiting.”

“Yeah, I’m aware of that.” I looked back over my shoulder toward the big dining room behind us. “You’re getting married in a bar.”

This was not like my sister at all. She’d lost her mind. Maybe she’d fallen and hit her head.

Zoey walked over to the closet door where the dress was hanging. “I’m not coming back to Roanoke.”

I just stared at her, not moving to take the dress. Finally, she thrust it at me, making it clear I needed to change. I’d do that, but only if I could continue to talk her out of this.

“No arguments,” she said, pointing at me.

A knock on the door interrupted whatever else she might say. She walked around me, then tugged it open.

“They need us to sign the license,” a guy said.

The guy was hot. Not my type, but I definitely could see why the mountain men here were getting attention, if this was what they looked like.

“Jared, this is my sister, Brooke,” Zoey said. “Brooke, this is your new brother-in-law.”

Not yet. Not if I had anything to do with it. But I politely smiled and told him it was nice to meet him.

“Be right back,” Zoey told me.

And then she was gone, leaving just me and a godawful peach dress. Peach was so not my color.

“Not the point, Brooke,” I grumbled to myself as I jerked my T-shirt over my head and dropped my denim shorts to my ankles.

I’d breezed through the bar in this getup, not even caring that locals were no doubt judging me for my skimpy attire. It was fine. The next time they saw me, I’d be modestly dressed in a peach monstrosity picked out by my baby sister.

I sighed when I got a look at the dress. The design had it falling off the shoulder, which meant I really needed a strapless bra. I tested the material, found it thick enough to conceal my nipples, and unclasped my bra, tossing it to the floor. I was folding everything up and setting it on a chair when the door burst open.

Spinning around, I prepared to face my sister and make my quick appeal. But my sister wasn’t the one standing there. Instead, it was another man in a suit. This man was exactly my type. He had dark hair and an intense stare that made it clear he got what he wanted when he wanted it. And what he appeared to want right now was me.

I shook off that thought and glanced back at the dress. I could grab it and cover myself, but being naked made me feel empowered. I liked feeling that way with this guy for some weird reason.

“Like what you see?” I asked, putting a hand on each hip. “You really should knock before you go barging into rooms.”

His features softened, and a smile tugged at the corners of that oh-so-sexy mouth. A mouth I’d love to kiss. A mouth I’d love to feel on my body.
