Page 124 of Rule the Roost

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“Lane, you perv.”

“Me? You were the one doing those things to me.”

“Tell us ‘bout it,” Joel said as he sat next to me on the bench.

Lonnie winked at me then told Joel, “It was a sexy, sweaty night, Joel.”

Damon came in from the hall and saw all of us. “Hey, it’s a party.”

“We’re all recuperating,” I groaned. “We are eating and sitting while we can still sit.”

“Ah, I see. Joel will be lucky to sit tomorrow. I have a lot planned for him tonight.”

“Do tell,” Rick pushed.

“Oh, it’s a surprise.”

Joel giggled like a kid. “Can’ wait, I’ll tell ya.”

“You don’t know what it is,” Lonnie pointed out.

I explained, “Joel may be the horniest man alive, so as long as it has to do with sex or ends with it, I don’t think he cares.”

He pointed his finger at me, laughing. “Ain’t that the truth?”

We all had a laugh at that, then Travis and Rick made plans for the following weekend. “We could bring the kids, as long as the weather holds. It’s good for them to see new faces. They have a grandmother, aunts and a ton of uncles, sure, but beyond them, they don’t meet a lot of new people.”

“They’ll meet all of us,” Damon said. “We love kids. They can come over here or go to Noah’s ranch and ride horses, play with the other animals. Just pack a lot of layers. It gets cold.”

“They’re mountain boys, believe me, they’re used to cold,” Lonnie groaned. “Lanie and Dennis would be in the snow barefoot if I let them.”

“Overprotective father, Lonnie, folks,” Travis teased.


“Don’t worry, Lonnie, I’m as bad,” Rick confessed.

“I can attest to that,” I added, then agreed, “And it’s needed. Colby is high-speed all the time. He loves the snow, and playing in it. We have to drag him back in.”

Joel got up and informed us, “Gotta go feed the goats. I’ll be seein’ y’all.”

“Too much kid talk at the Cowpokes weekend,” I said, laughing.

“Okay, well,” Travis started. “How about we talk about tonight? What shows are happening?”

“Lineup is great,” Damon said, perking from the change of subject. “Sex, dancing, thanks to Kan, and some other things. It’ll be great. With this snow this year…okay, every year, I don’t know when this will be happening again.”

Rick took my hand while everyone was talking over the iffy schedule. “Let’s go explore.”

“I’m down.”

We bade them all goodbye and left the house, but stood on the porch while Rick stood watching the men walking around the grounds.

The long field covered in snow was no deterrent for the men who came for the weekends to get away from cities. The house was surrounded on three sides by mountains and in front was a field that in the summer was green with swaying grasses.

The split rail fencing stood out silvery brown against the brilliant snow, the sun was shining enough to make it almost blinding. Men walked hand in hand around the taller drifts, others rode horses or sat on benches made from logs or just…were.

“I feel very comfortable here, Kan. I didn’t know if I would, you know? Thinking I was straight, I never thought I’d feel so…at home around so many gay men. That sounds terrible, but it’s true.”
