Page 9 of Redemption

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If I wasn’t going to kill those assholes before, I’m really going to now.

Chapter Three


“Whatisthemeaningof this?”

Victor’s shouts echo off the marble, ringing down the hallway to greet us.

“Oh great,” Adrian huffs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I see they’re in an amazing mood already.”

“He’s been screaming ever since he woke up,” Orrin grumbles as we round the corner to the headmaster’s office. “Next time, one of you is stuck with babysitting duty.”

“Are you going to fight against Romulus then?” Osias asks, coaxing a snicker from Adrian. Orrin’s hand hesitates on the doorknob, and he glares back at Osias over his shoulder.

“I’m sure I could’ve taken him out if I was there tonight.” His pompous tone rings full of incredulity. “I can see you accomplished what truly mattered to you anyway.”

He narrows a pointed look towards Octavia, but before any of us can respond, he opens the door and steps through, leaving the leader of the light gods fuming behind him.

“Pompous prick,” Osias mutters under his breath.

“Don’t let him get to you,” Octavia says. “He has to come up with something since he knows he couldn’t come close to the damage we did.”

Osias lifts Octavia’s hand to his lips, his sea-green eyes brimming with heat as he looks up at her.

“Don’t mind us,” Adrian snorts, trying to choke back his laughter. Osias slowly lowers Octavia’s hand and narrows a glare on him.

“We’re not this bad, right?” Kyros whispers to Adrian, shivering in disgust as he looks between our mate’s parents.

“You four are much worse.” Osias’ jaw ticks as he looks between them, his eyes widening slightly in disbelief.

“Doubt it,” I add, crossing my arms over my chest and earning myself an incredulous glare.

Osias looks like he’s about to argue, his cheeks reddening as his lips part, but he’s cut off before he can get a word out.

“Are you coming, or would you like a written invitation?” Orrin shouts.

“See, stop wasting time, father-in-law.” Adrian chuckles

“See what I have to put up with,” Osias groans, following behind us. The door clicks closed, and to my surprise, he doesn’t force his way into the center of the conversation, instead content to observe from the back with his mate.

“What the hell is going on?” Victor growls, struggling against the glowing golden binds.

“If you stop shouting, we’ll tell you,” Orrin grinds out.

The room doesn’t look much different from the last time I was in here. Nyssa perches on the desk, still pushed against the wall, as she watches the three former council members tied to chairs in the middle of the room. The chunk of plaster still litters the floor from where my powers shook it free, dust scattered in a pile on the hardwood floor beside it.

The crumbled plaster catches my eye for a moment as memories flash through my mind. The last time I was here, I was hanging on by a thread, with only the thoughts of Liv keeping me from turning this wing of the school to rubble.


She was taken from me—from us, and these three helped make that happen. Despite knowing Titus’ true intentions now, I can’t help the anger that burns through me at the sight of them. If I sense any hesitance or lies this time, I’ll wrap my powers around them tighter than the ropes that bind them and strangle the truth out of them.

I can’t help but glance at the door, my annoyance ratcheting up with every second she’s out of my sight. My teeth grind as I curse Mateo for leading her away, but despite wishing I’d been the one to do it first, I’m glad that one of us was able to be there with her. I’d seen the way she was struggling, and I’d already planned to take her away when I got back from moving those who couldn’t be saved, but by the time I did they were gone.

Kyros chants the words of a silencing spell, and the magic zaps around the room, sealing the sounds in and drawing my attention back to the traitors in our midst.

“Great, now no one will know the torture I’m having to endure in here,” Orrin huffs in annoyance.
