Page 103 of Embers in the Snow

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I release her as the climax spreads through her body, sending gentle shockwaves through her. She tips her head back and howls softly, and it’s the most elegant, arousing thing I’ve ever seen.

The sight of her naked. The faint sheen of sweat on her luminous skin.


I rise up and cup her chin with my thumb and forefinger, holding her there as I kiss her gently on her lips.

My erection is painful. I can’t stand it anymore. With my other hand, I hastily unbuckle my belt and lose the pants.

She closes her eyes and somehow finds my cock with her fingers, curling them around me, teasing my shaft as I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck.

I inhale her; human-scent and blood-scent. She’s layered and complex and decadent.

How am I going to ever recover from this?

Control yourself.

I can fuck her, but not taste her. Notyet.

It’s very important that I don’t taste her yet. She has to be able to trust me.

She wraps her legs around me and pulls me forward.

Blessed Goddess. What sublime torture is this?

I slip inside her. She’s molten velvet and sweetness. I hold her close and fuck her; gently at first, then harder. She grips me tighter with her powerful legs, and I run my hands up her back; up her neck, threading my fingers through her bound hair.

I loosen her hair, allowing it to cascade around her face, letting its sweet floral fragrance envelope me.

I inhale her essence, putting my lips on her neck, stopping just short of sinking my fangs into her soft, sweet skin.

The thirst hits me like a cannonball, colliding with desire, and even the brutal act of self-restraint stokes my arousal.

I taste her skin—sweet, musky, intoxicating. Her pulse flutters beneath my lips. I’m so excruciatinglyclose.

I savor her entire being as I go deeper, harder, melting into her. She moves with me, digging her sweet little nails into my back.

That little bit of pain is the thing that tips me over the edge.

I’ve never known this feeling before; where the pleasure is so intense it’s almost excruciating. My senses are filled to the brim. It’s too much.

I gasp as I find release.

“Oh,Finley,” I groan, holding her tightly; savoring every last drop of her being.

She wraps her arms around my neck and moans softly.

I come inside her.

And then, when I’m all but undone, I drown in the devastating temptation of her blood-scent.

I put my lips to her neck, feeling the rapid thud of her vital artery. I bare my fangs just a little, pressing the tips against her skin ever so slightly, but I never draw blood.

“Please, Finley,” I whisper, enjoying the feeling of standing on the precipice between fine control and savage indulgence. “Can Ijusthave a little taste of you?”

I’m still inside her; spent and buried in her warmth. I look down into her depthless eyes.

They narrow ever so slightly. Her lips press together in a taut line. She denies me with a short, sharp shake of her head. “No,” she mouths.
