Page 105 of Embers in the Snow

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I feel light and euphoric. Powerful. As if I could vanquish all my enemies and conquer the Four Continents.

I almost want to.

She writhes gently as I hold her. I savor her taste, allowing myself to take justenough.

The dark part of me wants to take much, much more, but I stop myself there. This time, it’s easier to control myself. And it’s important.

Shemustlearn to trust me.

I can understand her skepticism; the way she keeps a little bit of distance between us, even when she demands my presence in her bed.

It’s because of where she’s come from; her family, her upbringing.

Because her life started in tragedy.

I lick over the tiny puncture marks in her wrist, careful not to bite my own lip—as I normally would—even though I’m so tempted to give her a little of my healing blood.

I don’t want to accidentally invoke her powers again. Not until we know more.

If anyone can give me a sliver of knowledge about her dryad heritage, it would be the Khaturian Elders.

She doesn’t know it yet; I’ve intentionally kept her in the dark, waiting until we can be alone together… until I feel she can process the truth. But sooner or later, she will find out, and when she does, her entire world is going to come crashing down.

How will she take it?

I honestly can’t predict.

I release her arm. She lowers her wrist, staring at the spot where I bit her. There’s a faint blush in her cheeks.

She meets my gaze.

Really, she’s utterly gorgeous.

“Was I good?” I ask, unable to stop myself from teasing.

She gives me a baleful look. “It depends on what you mean bygood.”

I reach out and brush a stray strand of hair away from her face. She’s radiant. “I was restrained, wasn’t I?”

“Yes, and no.” Her expression turns coy as she pulls the sheets over her body and curls up beside me. “But youwereperfect.”

Ah.Why does her praise strike me right in the center of my chest, like a pitch-tipped burning arrow?

I smile at her. It’s the first time in years that I’ve felt so unburdened. “I enjoyed itverymuch. As for the other thing… perhaps a schedule is in order.”


“Well, I don’t want to turn into a ravenous bloodthirsty lunatic again. Regular dosing should keep me sane. At least you’ve given me enough to tolerate a few days in the mountains.” Unable to help myself, I lean in and kiss her.

She yields, then kisses me back.

Her warmth spreads through me, thawing my undead heart. “As much as I’d enjoy lying in bed with you all day, we must get going. I want to reach Niize before nightfall.”

“You get dressed first,” she says softly, a slightly devious look entering her eyes. “I’m spent. I’ll just lie here a little longer.”


“Well, I don’t mind watching you while you get dressed.”
