Page 137 of Embers in the Snow

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Now I can see that there’s something strange about them too. How did I ever miss it? Their movements are stiff and unnatural; almost machine-like.

Does everyone in the Goddess-forsaken empire suddenly have magic?

I fear that if they get me into that carriage, I’ll never return.

I amsotired of being bundled into stuffy carriages and carried away against my will.

If only I could scream, surely Corvan would hear me. But I’m silenced by this cursed gag, and these bastards are right behind me, breathing down my neck.

I need to trick them. I need to disrupt them somehow.

Clearly, they want to capture me alive. Someone knows what I am, or they want to hurt Corvan. Whatever it is, it’s obvious that I’m no use to them dead.

My life isn’t in danger, at least, even if theyareprepared to hurt me.

“You.” Kinnivar points at one of the guards. “Pick her up. If she refuses to walk, you’ll just have to throw her in there.”

I have to do something.

I close my eyes and go still. The wind rushes through the trees, becoming a gentle roar in my ears.

I let go of everything.




Against my screaming instincts, I force my body to go limp.

I fall to the ground.


Pain shoots through my body. I don’t care. I hold my breath and simplystop.

I’m lying on the cold, hard ground, unmoving. Holding my breath for as long as I possibly can. I’ll hold it until I go blue.

“Fuck,” Kinnivar snarls. “What’s wrong with this bitch now?”

My eyes are closed, but I can hear him moving. He squats down beside me and grabs my shoulder, shaking me roughly.

I don’t dare move. This is becomingveryuncomfortable. My lungs are starting to burn.

But I can’t let go now.

I need to create just a little bit of doubt in his mind.

“Get up. What’s wrong with you? Wake up.”

My lungs are about to burst.

Just a little longer… I need him to…

“Shit.” At last, his hands go around my face. He unties the gag and pulls the rags out of my mouth. “Why aren’t you breathing?”

Now. Do it.
