Page 151 of Embers in the Snow

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“Sleep a while, Finley. You’re safe here.” Slowly, tantalizingly, he withdraws himself from me. My insides clench and I briefly lament the loss of him; of the way we fit together so wickedly perfectly.

Corvan slips out of bed and pulls the silken covers over me, tucking me in as if I were a precious child.

“Where are you going?” I murmur, languorous and adrift.

“Not too far.” He rises to his full height, treating me to a sublime view of every last cut and honed inch of him. The rising sun bathes him in gold, making him appear godlike. “I’ll be within earshot of you. I just need to make some preparations.”

“Preparations for what?” I’m hardly able to concentrate on what he’s saying. His whole damn presence is just too distracting.

“Finley…” His expression hardens. “I’ve been turning a blind eye to the obvious for far too long. I’ve been away from the capital for far too long. And in my absence, the fools in the court have grown arrogant. I need to remind them of their place.”

He radiates a cold, terrible anger. I almost fear he might lay waste to Lukiria itself.

“Corvan,” I say softly. “I’ve come to know you as a fair and just ruler. A man who understands the consequences of power wielded thoughtlessly and cruelly. If you weren’t that man, I wouldn’t be here before you, likethis.So don’t allow anger to cloud your judgement.”

There’s a terrifying stillness about him. For a moment, I catch a glimpse of theotherCorvan; the one that’s carved out a stronghold for himself in the icy, unforgiving North. “My sweet Finley.” He leans in and kisses me again, so gentle in spite of his harsh demeanor. “Actions have consequences, and whatever I end up doing will be a reaction to the fact that someone tried to take you away from me. Theyharmedyou. And I will use every last sliver of power that I possess to ensure that nobody ever hurts you again.”

I open my mouth. A retort dances on the tip of my tongue; a reflex.I shall be fine. I can weather pain and humiliation. I’ve endured before and I’ll endure again. It isn’t anything to be taken so seriously.

But I hold my words, because there’s a small part of me that so desperately wants to let him tear the world apart for me.



Ileave her spent and nestled in my very own bed.

It actually doesn’t take much to convince her to rest. Dark lashes flutter against her luminous skin. She’s tired from the journey to Niize, and exhausted from the terror of almost being stolen away. She’s still in shock from the aftermath of the forest; of the ancient tree that unlocked her uncontrolled power.

Let her rest as I fail to contain my astonishment.

My wife-to-be is a dryad.

Such a thing is almost unheard of, but she’s here with me, and she’s brimming with power and she’s utterly intoxicating. Her blood is the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, and it’s only become more tantalizing with her transformation. Now that I’ve had it, I cannot want for anything else buther.

And despite all the madness that has assailed us, she refuses to let herself succumb to fear.

Just like when she first encountered me.

Soon, I’ll be traveling to Lukiria, and I’ll be bringing her with me, because there’s no way I’m going to let her leave my side again until I have the entire Rahavan Empire under my control.

Unable to help myself, I steal another glance at her as I hastily dress. The more I get to know her, the more gorgeous she appears.

Her eyes flutter gently as she drifts into sleep. Her dark hair is strewn across the white pillow; an ethereal halo framing her face.

In the soft morning glow, she’s utterly radiant.

And she’s inmybed.

I’m consumed by her, to the point where my sanity might just shatter if anything were to happen to her

That’s why I have to take her with me. I don’t trust anyone else to be able to guard her. From now on, until I feel that she will be safe, she remains by my side.

Forever, if she has to.

And it’s dawned on me with icy clarity.

Exactly what I must do.
