Page 17 of Embers in the Snow

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“I don’t see any nobles amongst those bodies. Maybe they ran away. Wouldn’t surprise me. Most of them are cowards.”

Someone spits on the ground. “Parasites. All they do is leech our coin to build their fuckin’ palaces and hire bastards like us.”

“Well,he’sone of them, isn’t he? Andhe’spaying us.”

“Yeah, but he’s different. Proper powerful, he is. The sort that’s beneficial to serve. And he pays in gold. We’ve got the thing he wanted, now all we have to do is get it to him quick smart. Keep him happy. Show we’re reliable and all.”

“Y-you don’t think we’d be better off serving the other one?”

“The eldest? He’s mad, isn’t he? Corrupted by the dark magic. Who would want to…tch.Anyway, don’t worry about it. Go look inside, Teven. Might be something valuable in there.”

Footsteps crunch on the snow. The door rattles violently. “It’s locked. What’s this, then? Teeth-marks or something? The lycans were onto something.”

“Here. Use my axe.”

I curl into a ball beneath my mound of blankets, trying to make myself as small as possible; praying that maybe they’ll be careless and overlook me.


The sound of hard steel hitting wood chills me to the bone.

I don’t dare move.


“What’s this thing made of, fuckin’ elven-wood or something?”


This time, the wooden door finally shatters.

The glass pane explodes. Shards of glass tinkle as they rain all over the blankets.

I tense, frantically trying to think of how I can escape this. Maybe I can launch myself forward; catch the intruder by surprise, somehow get to the outside…

No. Don’t be stupid.He has an axe.

There are at least five men outside. They have horses. No matter where I go, they would run me down.

Maybe I can steal one of their horses.

“What in the Seven Furies is all this? A dress? There a woman in here?” The intruder mutters to himself as he rummages through the ridiculous dress that’s folded up on the bench, before opening and slamming the wooden drawers beneath the seats. “Nobody in here?”

He tugs at one of my blankets. I clutch it with all my might, not ready to be uncovered.

He yanks harder. He’s too strong. The blanket’s torn from my grasp.

Cold air brushes against my face.

I look up… and come face to face with a stranger.

I’m dissected by a hard blue gaze. He has straw-colored hair and a rough beard and dirty teeth. His clothes are brown and rough and dirty. His cracked lips curve into a lascivious smile. “Well, well. What do we have here? Oi, boss. Look what I fou—”


He stops mid-sentence. Something is poking out of his left eye. I cover my mouth in horror.

It’s an arrow-tip.
