Page 182 of Embers in the Snow

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He frowns. “Well, you’re notmostladies.”

“And the possibility of you becoming emperor is the least of the surprises I’ve uncovered about you, isn’t it?” Still caught in his tender grip, I turn my hand around until my wrist is facing his lips. “I mean, it positively pales in comparison to theothertruth I discovered about you, doesn’t it? I thought you relinquished the throne because you believed the people would never accept you as you are now.”

Corvan gently kisses the inside of my wrist. “You make a fair point, my love, but my reasons for stepping back weren’t entirely because of my transformation. Even before I changed, I was just sick and tired of the whole damn thing. I wanted to build something on my own, away from father’s machinations. And then I died, and the Goddess gave me life, and it made me all the more determined. The only difference now is that I have you, and if my dear brother and his mother’s family are dabbling in the Death Arts, they need to be stopped at all costs. I willnotallow anyone to threaten our existence, so forgive me if I become a little overbearing.”

I savor the feeling of his lips; the anticipation of his thirst. “The only thing I object to is the fact that you feel like you have to always protect me from the court. When I learn how to manifest and control my powers—and Iwill—I should like to think that you wouldn’t have to protect me at all. But until then, by all means…” I caress the hard angle of his jaw. “Do whatever it takes.”

“I have your permission, then?”

I give him a wry look. “Since when haveyouever had to ask permission for anything?”

“Since I realized I was in love with you.”

The ground falls out from beneath me. My legs turn to jelly. Warmth spreads through my chest.

For the first time in my life, I’m truly speechless.

And I’m pretty sure my cheeks are on fire. “C-Corvan…”

He smiles; a secret little smile laced with a hint of deviousness, because heknowsthe effect he has on me.

“May I, then?” He grazes his fangs across the unbroken surface of my skin. “On both counts?”

How is it that the simple act of him asking permission makes me want to swoon?

And although he’s dangerously charming as always, there’s a hint of vulnerability to him now that makes him all the more irresistible. As if heneedsme now; like a balm, like a salve, against his father’s death and the terrible truths he’s just been forced to discover.

Who am I to deny him?

“You may,” I whisper, my voice cracking with emotion.

And he bites me gently, his razor-sharp fangs sinking into my skin, and apart from the faint bloom of pain at the beginning, there’s nothing but warmth and the thrill of his mouth against my wrist.

Everything fades to grey. For a moment, I’m aware of nothing but his decadent lips and fangs and the thudding of my own heartbeat in my ears.

The magic in me snaps and fizzles, a faint rippling sensation running down my forearms.

Then the world returns to me in stark relief, and the fractious magic in me yields to his thirst.

Everything goes quiet.

I let him take my essence, because he’s in need.

It feels so good when my magic is subdued by his. I close my eyes and savor the feeling of being so utterly wanted and cherished.

I feel at peace.Hemakes me feel this way.

And if he intends to tear the world apart and put everything in its right place for me, who am I to stop him?



Adjacent to the Inner Sanctum is the headquarters of the Elite Guard. I know this place like the back of my hand. I spent many a time here when I was a boy, fascinated by the men of the Guard themselves; by their armor and weapons.

The soldiers were gruff but well-meaning; they accommodated me good-naturedly, although now I can understand that they probably didn’t have much of a choice.

Overqualified child-minders, they were.
